My Easter Picks

My Easter Picks

Here is what Lexi is getting for Easter plus some additional awesome Easter Basket ideas.

My Easter Picks

1. Two buckets to start her first garden ( as a part of 52 Weeks of Experiences)

2. Bunny Ears ( Target dollar bin)

3. FurReal Bunny ( that hops and moves). I haven’t tried it out yet, but Daily Mom covered a FurReal toy in the Christmas Toy guide and it looks fun.

4. I See Me bunny and a book

5. Slinky ( a blast from the past)

6. Chirping Chick ( this one is really cool. When you sit it down in your palm, it starts chirping. Lexi will get a kick out of it, I am sure)

7. Yoyo ( not pictured. She has been asking for a yo-yo for a month now, so I figured it was time)

8. Chalk  (from Wee Can Too) and finger paint (from Glob)

3. Emi-Jays – Hair ties that double as a bracelet when not worn. I’ve bought other cheaper hair ties of that type and there is no comparison. I love their bright colors for Easter, that’s all we use for Lexi, so I ordered some for Easter too.

Other ideas that I would totally get if it wasn’t for the fact that we already have these items:

1. Rockee toothbrush! This is amazing! Easy to hold and when dropped the head doesn’t hit the floor. It always stays upright.

My Easter Picks

2. Babiators – I’ve been in love with them since we got our first pair. I’ll be doing a sponsored post for the brand, but they would make a perfect Easter gift. LOVE LOVE LOVE!

My Easter Picks





      • Bah! I love it!

        I’m worried my family is going to try to shove candy down Sweet Pea’s throat….who’s only 10 months old! My Grandmother is just dying to give her chocolate, and they all get weird when I won’t let her have cake or frosting.

        Diabetes and obesity runs in both sides of her family….I want to give her some fighting chance lol

        • I don’t think an occasional treat would kill a kid (though maybe not a ten months old lol, maybe wait till toddlerhood ) but as long as you don’t have sweets in the house , in my opinion it’s fine.
          If Lexi asks for something sweet at home I simply tell her we don’t have it and she is ok with it. When we are out and she asks for ice cream, if I can get it for her I do. But it happens maybe once every few months.

  1. Cute basket ideas! My own little advice, make sure to turn off the FurReal bunny when she isn’t playing with it. My daughter has a cat one and it has a tendency to become ‘alive’ at random times and has scared the crap out of all of us a time or two.

  2. We should really limit DD’s sugar intake, but I think we lean a bit too liberal in that area of our parenting. Her Easter eggs have Lindt mini eggs inside, and we usually let her have one or two of those chocolates each day. We have sweet teeth too, so it’s hard to eat it and not let her have some as well!

    • I always let Lexi try/eat whatever I am having, even if it’s sweets. I don’t think it’s fair otherwise. I just don’t have sweets in front of her often. I do give her our homemade Popsicle made of fruit when she asks for ice cream. When we are out though and she sees ice cream and asks for it, most of the times she gets it, too. I just don’t believe in encouraging it, but I also don’t want to forbid it if it’s something she asks for.

      • I told my husband we need to have a talk with our parents about sending SO much candy for Easter. It’s frustrating because we don’t buy it throughout the year so we kind of want it to be OUR special thing. So, I feel like I can’t even buy any because we have so much from them. And of course I end up eating it, ugh, lol!


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