Lazy Pool Days and Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

This post is sponsored by Spinato’s Pizza. All opinions are my own, as always!

There is something special about Florida summers. You would think that summers in Florida wouldn’t have the same allure they do in the north. Yet every time the rain showers start popping up and the temperature heats up to an uncomfortable degree, I get excited.

Get excited for pool days and lazy evenings, and unhealthy cooking… Wait, what? How did that creep up in there?

Well, I know how. Unfortunately, (at least for me) lazy pool days also mean “I do not want to make anything but pull out something frozen from the fridge and heat it up“. Something frozen somehow ends up being pizza and then I regret the decision, because I just love guilt tripping myself about everything from my food choices ( which often end up being my daughter’s food choices, by default) to lack of productivity.

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

To add insult to an injury, after reading about how impactful our digestive systems are to our well-being, I DECIDED (ugh!) that we will try to do a cleanse and then eat even better than we have before. And so it brings me back full circle to pizza. Specifically broccoli pizza crust.

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

When someone says gluten-free, my first reaction is “flavor-free“. That might be harsh but that is exactly what I have experienced in the past. The silly thing about it is despite that reaction, we are about to embark on a 30 day digestive cleanse which includes eliminating almost everything that isn’t good for you. Including gluten. So before we make such a drastic change, I figured we could slowly start trying and eliminating some of the “common offenders/inflammatory substances. I wondered what we would do without gluten. How we would have pizza nights and movie nights and pool days when we are too lazy to cook and want the comfort and excitement that pizza brings.

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

Then Spinato’s box came in. Two frozen pizzas arrived on our door step that say “GLUTEN FREE” and “BROCCOLI CRUST
Healthy pizza crust! Now we all know and love cauliflower crust, right? But broccoli crust? That must be good!

So we made both right away, for our pool day. Put the pizza in the oven, put our swimsuits on and stood there waiting. We did not have to wait long since it was ready in less than 10 minutes (8 to be exact).

I was trying to think how to describe the flavor before writing this post and honestly I am having trouble finding the right words. You know how if healthy pizza crusts are usually thin, which means it’s crunchy and light. This was a thin healthy crust, but tasted dense and flavorful, like chicken (weird comparison right?).

This healthy pizza crust was the most flavorful part of the pizza, if that’s even possible. It took us about 15 minutes to polish both of those pizzas off. No one even once mentioned “ew, broccoli”, because luckily our family loves broccoli and this did not even taste like it (the magicians behind this healthy pizza crust seasoned it to perfection)

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza
Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

So we spent the afternoon swimming, eating pizza, contemplating how you could make healthy broccoli crust taste so good and how #glutencansuckit. We discussed how you’d make flour from broccoli and the fact that we have broccoli growing in our garden, we watered our sunflowers and played ball. Summer break is the best!

What are you most excited to do this summer? Besides eating broccoli pizza crust, of course! 😉

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

About Spinato’s Healthy Broccoli Crust Pizza

For those of you still curious, here is a little bit of information on the pizza and why we love it.

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

Just because its frozen doesn’t mean it can’t be healthy. Spinato’s Pizza is made with certified gluten-free and plant based healthy pizza crust, which we love in our house since I love plant based foods and we are going to try to stay away from gluten as much as possible until we do our cleanse. Not only that, it is also high in Vitamin D and calcium, and works with local farms to provide fresh ingredients to their pizza before it is frozen.

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

Their healthy pizza crust isn’t your typical gluten-free crust either. It is a broccoli crust, which adds a really unique flavor that we love, as well as some additional nutrients that make it even healthier. They have a bunch of different flavors and toppings, too:

  • Margherita – a traditional favorite, great taste that is complemented by the broccoli crust.
  • Aged Asiago, Romano, and Mozzarella
  • Mediterranean Supreme
  • Primavera – lots of vegetables which combined with a vegetable crust tasted just right. There was no difference in flavors between the crust and veggies on the pizza which was great.

I love having the option to have something healthy and fresh in our fridge for those days where cooking isn’t an option. We are always so busy, especially with homeschooling and traveling, that many days cooking a full meal (3 times a day) just seems exhausting. You can pick this up at a store, stick it in your freezer, and have it as a go-to for lazy pizza/movie/pool days or after long days of learning and activities at home.

Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza

I don’t ever feel guilty with Spinato’s Pizza because it is the healthiest pizza- frozen or not- that I have been able to find for our family. Frozen foods are often laden with high sodium and preservatives but that’s not the case here. Spinato’s Pizza only uses fresh and healthy ingredients, so I know its good for us. All of us!

If you want to check it out for yourself, go to Spinato’s and look around.

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Lazy Pool Days And Healthy Gluten Free Broccoli Pizza


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