Why work your Triggers

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Can I explain??

If you still have major hidden triggers, you will not progress as a person, or progress slowly.

?Let’s think about it. First, what are triggers? Triggers are those subconscious programs put into us during our childhood ( and often during gestational period and through DNA memory from our ancestors) that create a reactions ( usually negative) to certain people, events, words, assumptions.

Triggers are subconscious reactions to things that happen around us.

They are rooted in fear and lack that we learned/experienced in our childhood and before ( fear of rejection, fear of being yourself, lack of love) that our body took on as a lesson in order to protect us.

?Have you ever had a situation where someone gets upset or freaks out and you just don’t understand why. Like it’s not a big deal to you, but I they are upset
?Or what about internet trolls or people who comment negatively on a post that has nothing to do with them? They are simply reacting based on their triggers.
?Karen’s of the world? Same.

A person without triggers ( or with triggers that they have worked on) will live their life not allowing outside circumstances and actions of others to influence their inner/mental/emotional state.

WHy work on your Triggers

?Living with triggers is like living a life someone else controls and you just observe ( as much as you think we are in control of our lives, we aren’t. Our programs are.)

So now let’s look at how not working on triggers prevents us from advancing everywhere else.

Let’s say you’re working hard on staying consistent in your goals, whether it’s working out or business goals or something else. Unresolved triggers “trigger” negative emotions that are constantly interfering with our intentions and goals. How much easier is it to stay strong when you’re in a great mood and nothing is triggering you? Triggers are setbacks.

If you see others’ actions as something that is being done TO you, you will never reach a true level of confidence. It will always be a fake mask and inside you’ll still be scared.

This one is my favorite. You cannot manifest things into existence without being in a high vibrational state. You cannot be in a high vibrational state if you’re constantly being pulled into negative emotions. Simple.

Triggers aren’t hard to recognize.

In fact, unless you have consciously worked on them, you are constantly getting triggered ?

?A person on Instagram that rubs you the wrong way? TRIGGER.
Analyze why you don’t like them. What bugs you about them? What is it that is missing in you that they have. Dislikes always stem from a trigger.

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In fact, I find Instagram to be a great place to find triggers because it’s filled with so many different people that you’re much more likely to find something that bugs you than in real life. Use it to find your “kinks”

?Your friend gets a promotion or opens a new business and you feel sort of annoyed or bitter? Trigger.

?Someone get married or gets pregnant and you aren’t happy for them? Trigger.

?You think someone doesn’t deserve all the success they get? Trigger

Triggers are like mini traumas from past events and often they can stem from literally the wrong tone our mother used one when we were 5 or how our dad made us clean the room when we were 7.
They are really quite easy to unpack to. Just keep asking yourself questions and dig deeper and deeper? Why? Why? Why?

?To give you an example, two of my very obvious triggers were disrespect and disloyalty. Both would get me really mad.
??After digging around them, I recognized why I have a strong need to be respected (everyone does but for me it was causing anger) and I learned to recognize that those things are simply indicators of who I want to be surrounded by. So now I allow people to be who they are without impacting me and simply removing myself from that person without any negative emotions towards their disrespect or disloyalty.
It didn’t come easily and I had to work on it and analyze it and then practice applying for many years.

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I also had a major trigger against not being liked or accepted that I didn’t even realize consciously. I always acted like I didn’t care about what people think and pretended things didn’t bother me but it was always a mask. It was my subconscious protecting myself from danger of not being liked.

Once I uncovered it, accepted it and worked on it, I discovered that there’s a place where you don’t have to close off your emotions, in order to not allow other peoples opinions to impact you. You can simply stand strong in yourself and who you are and accept others’ opinions as what they are ( views based on their own triggers and experiences).
It took a lot of self reflection and following my triggers for me to arrive at that state of being.
And it is still work in progress, along with other triggers.

I hope this was helpful, let me know what some of your trigger you do recognize are.

For further reading, I recommend these two books:
Book 1 | Book 2

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