14 Weeks of Pregnancy

14 Weeks Of Pregnancy

Now according to ALL sources, I’m in my 2nd trimester and I can definitely feel it.14 Weeks Of Pregnancy

Ok, where is my BUMP, though? Seriously? I’ve been wider than normal for weeks. If you compare my pictures to those before pregnancy or at 5 weeks, I’m definitely showing, but I don’t have a bump. When I put clothes on, I look like a normal non-pregnant woman. Those who know me, would probably think that I packed on a few pounds and don’t have abs of steel anymore haha.
I guess I am glad I’m not showing yet, because that means I can still sleep on my stomach, and wear semi-normal clothes. But this week I did have to resort to my last pair of non-stretchy jeans that used to be super baggy on me and I could take off without unbuttoning and wore shorts that had to be tied with a rubber band ( what an awesome invention!). So that’s my progress in the bump area.
Thankfully, I still have quite a few stretchy jeans ( though most of them are from my NYC days, which means they’re a size 0 and 1- YIKES!- I definitely cannot fit into those even in my non-pregnant good-looking state)

14 Weeks Of Pregnancy



How far along: 14 weeks.

How big is baby: It’s a LEMON.

Total weight gain: I can definitely say I’ve gained at least 2 pounds ( I am at 138lb right now), which is great. I’ve been gaining a pound a week since week 12.

Sleep: Going to bed earlier has been important for good sleep. I wake up much earlier than I’m used to, but  also go to bed by 9-10pm, which is very early for a non-pregnant me.

14 Weeks Of PregnancyBest moment of the week:
Being able to handle food and help out with cooking. My nausea is ALMOST gone, with occasional bad days. And this week I felt good enough to even get some cooking done.
Putting make up on –  I don’t dig walking around looking like death.
Getting a cleaning – I somehow love those, because it makes me feel fresh and new. Plus I was glad to see that I’m doing relatively good with my gums, which is often a problem in pregnancy.

Food cravings: Nada. I can eat sweets again, though. So I have a small cookie or two a day to satisfy the need for something fun. Otherwise, I’m loving plums, peaches, anything fresh.

Food aversions: I can ALMOST think of fish again. And I had some walnuts this week ( wasn’t happy about it, but didn’t throw them up either).

Nausea – Getting better and better. I have days where I feel so blah from low grade nausea and others when I almost don’t feel it if I don’t think about it.
Heartburn – still there, but not as bad this week. Not sure what I am doing differently.
Skin – Last week it almost got better and this week I am back with all kinds of stuff popping back up. Ugh!
Leukorrhea – oh what fun pregnancy is lol {I thought my water leaked or I peed my pants haha}

Gender: At our 20 week ultrasound in September

What I’m looking forward to: having a permanent housekeeper so that I didn’t have to feel so guilty about not wanting to do any housework. I was always under the impression that it’s super expensive to have one, since it costs 250 bucks to have people come and clean our house (4000 sq feet). However, after doing some research I realized that you can hire a local lady for $10/hour to come in daily or every other day. It’s totally worth it for us right now and I am super duper excited about having a clean house again.

 What I miss:
Nothing right at the moment. The nausea is getting better and just that little is making me love life again (LOL).

Next appt: August 5th

{pregnancy skin care} – What I use during pregnancy, after hours and hours of research- whew! it’s a bitch
{evolution of shape}- an in-pictures look at where I was fitness and weight wise in the last 8 years
{guest post by hubby about going vegan}- I’ve been meaning to get this one done since the GET FIT challenge. It’s really an amazing story.
{recipes and food}- I’ve had so many people ask me about this one, and I’m so sorry but it’s been hard for me talking about food while being nauseous. I’ll attempt to do a post or two with some things that we cook.


  1. Oh I’m so happy you start feeling better and better πŸ™‚
    Definitely looking forward to reading the “vegan story”, recipes, and skin care!
    Nice that you can eat sweets again πŸ™‚

  2. Hi Elena! I love your blog – it’s nice to read it as a fellow Russian-American gal! I am a year away from TTC and all of your advice has been so helpful. I am so excited to read your post about skin care/make-up, as I’ve recently looked through all my products and feel worried about all the bad chemicals in them, but don’t really know where to begin looking for alternatives.


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