8 Months Picture and Outtakes

8 Months Picture And Outtakes

Since I had to post the 8 Months Update before I had a chance to download the 8 months pictures, I am posting the photo and outtakes now.

8 Months Picture And Outtakes


8 Months Picture And Outtakes


  1. I’ve gotta ask how you got her to stay still! My little one was crawling at 7 months and when I tried to take his 7 month photo it was impossible. I was completely unsuccessful. So frustrating.

  2. I’m amazed as well! Alexis must be a very stationary baby. 🙂 Even with my husband to help distract her, our seven month photos have a piece of paper, an old cell phone, and a remote control in the shot- we needed to give her that much “forbidden” stuff to entertain her so she would stop trying to launch herself headfirst off the chair! I realize now I should have started the monthly pictures on the floor. 🙂

    • Yeah she sort of is. She prefers sitting, she doesn’t move around while sleeping too much either.
      With one exception: if she’s in one of our laps, she won’t stop moving. Otherwise she’ll crawl/sit/crawl/sit. Her “things” are anything that has to do with hands and visual stuff. With those two things it’s non stop stimulation. Which is one of the reason her sleep has been the way it has. Too much too see when she wakes up for even a second.

  3. She is just soo precious. Great update too! I love readibg about what she is doing each month and all the new things shes learned! Hows cloth diapering going? Are you using them at night or disposables??

    • We switched to full time cloth about a month ago but recently ran into some trouble. So we switched to overnight disposables to see which diapers were causing the issue. So far it’s looking like overnights were too tight in her thighs and rubbing her them raw.

  4. Wow – Lexie looks so much like your husband the older she gets! It must be so much fun having his little clone running around! (well, not running, but not too far off!)

  5. Lexi is such a cutie!!!! I’m curious…..where do you find your templates for the photo displays (or do you make them yourself?) I have a 4 month old and want to make some of these multi-photo displays and print them out. Thanks…love your blog 🙂


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