Our Favorite Natural Flu and Cold Remedy

Our Favorite Natural Flu And Cold Remedy

So let me state the obvious first. According to current medical opinion, timely vaccination is the best way to prevent the flu. Common colds have to run their course, there’s no remedy for them, however you can prevent them and shorten the duration of the illness.

So this post about natural flu remedies is for those who:

  1. chose not to vaccinate
  2. missed the opportunity to vaccinate
  3. want extra protection from the flu and colds
  4. want to support their own or their child’s immune system

So we take  a number of things during the year to support our immune systems:

Our Favorite Natural Flu And Cold Remedy

However, for the times when you really get the flu or a bad cold, I came across a flu remedy drink recipe that is kid-friendly and can knock the socks off that nasty virus. I was actually send a bunch of different recipes by a friend when Lexi recently suddenly got a 103.2 fever without any warning signs and I asked if anyone knew of a way to get a ton of garlic into a kid. The fever went as quickly as it came ( within 2 hours), but the recipe I eyeballed  is going to be our go-to from now on.

Our Favorite Natural Flu And Cold Remedy

You can make it in a mixer and add whatever you child likes to make it taste even better:

1 cup of orange juice (it can be oranges instead)

1 grapefruit squeezed, peeled and added in whole (can be juice)

1 lemon squeezed, peeled and added in whole

a squirt of honey ( eyeball this depending on how sweet you want it to be)

1 tablespoon of ginger powder

6 cloves of garlic

6 capsules of curcumin ( open them up and pour the powder inside the mixer)

Our Favorite Natural Flu And Cold Remedy

Puree till smooth.

Now depending on your child and his tolerance for unique flavors, you can throw less garlic or ginger, put more honey in. If they dislike textures ( this is very pulpy), use all juices rather than fruit. Lexi drank it without any issues and it tasted really good to me.

Garlic is known to have huge anti-viral properties and makes one of the best natural flu remedies, curcumin is an amazing anti-inflammatory substance, ginger helps with pain and promotes sweating, honey is a total cold/flu staple, it’s a cough suppressant and soothes sore throat and the citrus fruit is full of vitamin C plus good nutrients.

Want to read more about healthy meals for kids? Check out this article on our healthy weekly meals for toddlers.


Our Favorite Natural Flu And Cold Remedy




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