We Heart Lexis

We Heart Lexis

This morning when my daily Zulily email came through, I saw that they are having a RUUM sale. Being one of my favorite and really inexpensive brands, I thought I would give you guys a heads up and post some pics of the two Lexis in their RUUM outfits for Vday this year. Both the heart sweater and the heart t-shirt are available on zulily for 17.99 and 6.99. Aren’t they cute?

We Heart LexisWe Heart LexisWe Heart LexisWe Heart LexisWe Heart LexisWe Heart Lexis

We Heart Lexis


Strider Bikes are also on sale for those looking for a super good quality balance bike.

We Heart Lexis


  1. How does she like the balance bike? I keep hearing mixed reviews. I love the theory behind it, but have so many people tell me their children just don’t use one, how much did you pay for it- I’ve heard they are quite expensive.

    • I think when it comes to balance bikes it’s a matter of patience with some kids. It’s much easier to learn to ride a trike than a balance bike since most kids get uncomfortable when they lose balance. Lexi is in the beginning stages of riding it. When we first got it, she actually took off but relatively quickly lost balance and that scared her. So she stayed away from it for a bit. Now she is back to walk riding it, but still far from balance riding it. I see Strider Bikes more as a tool for them to learn balance skills which everyone gets at their own pace. Until children actually figure out how to ride it, they are not going to want to use it- it’s not fun. Some kids do that at 18 months (rarely), others won’t till 3 years of age. The point is if you have it available to them and encourage the use of the Bike they will eventually find out how much fun it is to lift their feet off the floor and goooo!

      That’s my opinion.

    • We don’t have a balance bike, just one of those tricycles with the push bar which I love b.c my son can wear himself out pedaling and then I can push him home. Maybe next year we’ll try a balance bike.

      But I see balance bikes available on Craigslist all of the time. So if you want to try one out, you could find one there and just re-sell it if your kid is not into it.

  2. Hi Elena! I just wanted to tell you I’m a relatively new follower of your blog, but I absolutely love it. My husband and I have been TTC for about 7 months (suffered a miscarriage earlier this year) and recently found out we’re pregnant again! I really loved reading through all of your pregnancy posts (as well as the TTC posts). Forgive me if this is too forward, but are you and your husband planning to have more kids ever? Your daughter is absolutely adorable! I can’t wait to read through your pregnancy posts again to use the products that you recommended.


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