Gender Reveal Video

Gender Reveal Video

So here it is guys!

You’ve been bugging me for 2 days  (in the cutest way possible) to post the sex of our baby.

Yesterday we spent the whole day filming and going to the doctor’s appointment and then I stayed up till 4:30 am editing the gender reveal video ( not the smartest idea! lol).

So now it’s ready. It’s far from perfect, but to make it perfect, I would need a lot more time.

Gender Reveal Video


A few notes before you watch:

  • This video is intended mostly for friends and family, so it’s relatively long, but it shows the whole reveal process the way we experienced it.
  • It’s really personal, emotional and sappy and at times really dorky ( mostly on my part as usual)
  • The dorky parts really show me the way my friends know me.
  • I have so many bloopers from this video that you will definitely get a follow up gag reel. ( i only included one blooper in this video. at the end.)
  • The ultrasound technician said she was 100% sure of the sex of the baby ( and later looking at the ultrasound, there’s no doubt! )
  • No, we’re NOT REALLY painting the baby room that particular color.




I am aware  that my “bawlfest” sounded like “ballfest” and my husband and I spent good 30 minutes laughing our butts off at that.

And I will be writing my 19 week update in a few days, but the baby was perfect and healthy.



  1. I totally want to copy you the next time we have a baby and do something similar. It was SO thoughtful, SO adorable, and SO genuine…thanks for sharing with us (I even saw my husband tear up) – congrats! Abby will have a friend!!!

  2. Lena!!!!OMG!I cant see my keyboard cause my eyes are fool of tears!I’m so touched with everything I saw!
    GIRL!!!!OMG!!!You are so happy!!!
    It is really Art all what you do even finding out the sex of baby! Its really honor that you share this video with us.
    Do not have words….just happy tears for you!
    I want girl too!!!!
    …after 10 minutes
    CONGRATULATIONS!You are pure inspiration!

    Olgetta from Paris

  3. So excited for your two, I started readying your blog just as you found out that you were pregnant and it’s pretty cool since your two weeks ahead of me, so I get to see what I can look forward to you.

    I guessed girl on your sidebar so I am glad I was right!!!!

    I can’t wait till Sept 20 when I find out what I am having, I would be thrilled either way but secretly excited for a girl!

  4. Elena!! I’m so happy for you!!!!! I think I even had tears, lol. Little girls are so much fun, so many pretty dresses and hair styles and dolls, (but they can be real little diva’s too, haha!)
    Such a great video, thank you for sharing 🙂 I can’t wait to see the nursery all set up! Best of luck with the remainder of your pregnancy xx

  5. Leeeeeeeena!!!!!!!!!!!!!CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I’m seating in front of my laptop and crying too;))) It’s so great,your video is great!!!!So touchable…
    i want to have a girl in future too!
    pozdravlyauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu,pravda iskrenne rada za vas!!!!!!!!!

  6. Wow, totally cried like a dork, and my husband walked in and looked at me weird.
    Congrats on the girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Little girls are so much fun to prepare for!
    I had the same symptoms, and my Chinese calendar said a boy too. Maybe the Chinese are having an off year? 🙂
    I’m so happy for you, and your husband.

  7. I am so incredibly happy for you two!! I have twin girls & they are wonderful..even though my baby boy will a;ways be my baby, girls are just FUN!! Have a great time shopping for dresses, ribbons & bows!! Congratulations!! btw, I love how you are documenting your pregnancy..absolutely beautiful:)

  8. I just love this video! It’s so happy, I watch it with a big old smile on my face! Congrats again on the baby girl. I totally knew you were having a girl-haha! Now I can’t WAIT to see what clothes you start buying, and how you decorate! So much fun, enjoy your preparations for your little princess!!!! Also, I loved putting a voice to you! And, your voice is beautiful, just like you!

  9. Im not sure how I came across your blog but I’ve been reading it for the last month or two – and really love reading about your pregnancy and comparing it to my own (11 weeks today). I loved watching the gender reveal video and since have considered finding out the sex of the baby before delivery – I was planning to wait. Either way – this video is a special treasure to have and look back on years to come. Thanks for sharing!

  10. OMG!!! I knew it! hahha jk I really thought you are having a boy))) Knowing how much you wanted a girl, I’m soooo happy for you and your reaction at the end of this video totally put me in tears. Congratulations to you both!!! So happy!!!

  11. So, so, so happy for you two. I love how you made this so special and someday can show your little girl how excited you were for her. The dancing at the end? The best part. Congrats!!!!!

  12. That was incredible! I was in tears! Im so excited for you! I have 3 sons…and like your husband says, I was chasing a girl! I stopped at 3 boys, and no girl. But they are all the most perfect little blessings <3 Congrats!!!

  13. I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for a while now, since since the “pre-conception” time. I want to congratulate you on your pregnancy and on having a GIRL! My little girl is 5 now and I can’t believe how fast the time has gone. Children are always blessings, each in their own special way, but my little girl has captured my heart, as I’m sure your little one soon will. May you always know how blessed you are. Best Wishes for the future of your Family,

  14. OMG!! Congrats!!! Even my eyes filled with tears and I haven’t even met you guys in person 😀 Wow, that’s exactly what you wanted, so happy for you! 🙂

    And what an awesome way to find out! You two are quite the couple I must say 🙂 I think I’ve only seen you and your hubby in pictures and I think this is the first video I can actually see you two together. I’m not sure if that even makes sense haha but he looks so supportive and so in love with you and the baby 🙂 It’s such a sweet video! Congrats once again 🙂

  15. oh. my. goodness. that was the sweetest video! i got so teary eyed! how exciting!! i cant help but think about your daughter having this special video to watch when she is older! so happy for you!!

  16. What a cute blog! It’s very well done. Glad I stumbled upon it. Congrats on your baby girl, I have one, and you will love having a girl. She is lucky to have such a creative and organized momma too- what a treasure this blog will be for her to looks back on!!

  17. Did you shoot the video with a function on your DSLR, or with a seperate video recorder? That was beautiful. You should do a blog post teaching people how to put videos together like that. What a gift!

  18. Hello, I am not sure if the comment I just wrote disappeared or not, but here is what I said: absolutely adorable video! I have a four year old daughter and a five month old son, and your video brought back lovely memories of being pregnant. You are a beautiful couple, and this was such a thoughtful and cute idea for the gender reveal. Best wishes for a happy and healthy pregnancy!

  19. So happy for you that it’s gonna be a girl! For a second there, I thought your husband was going to reveal something. Guess we’ll have to wait for reveal #2!!

  20. Oh my goodness! Watching this I got excited right along with you. What an AMAZING way to find out and reveal the gender of your baby to friends and family. Congratulations!!!!! 🙂

  21. OMG what a cute way to tell family and friends and to find out for yourselves…I’ll have to remember this 🙂 Teared up a bit when you were opening it. So sweet…new follower!

  22. Oh my goodness, this announcement was absolutely adorable. Reminded me of my husband’s reaction to when we found out we were having a girl, and being super preggo at this point it had me in a bawlfest myself. Super cute! Congratulations!

  23. I am very early in my 2nd pregnancy and this video has me in tears! This is such an awesome experience to have on video for the rest of your lives. Thank you for sharing with us.

  24. I just found your blog on Top Baby Blogs and I LOVE this gender reveal video…you two are so cute and this was such a neat idea! Can’t wait to read more of your blog!

  25. Thanks for the “ballfest”! 🙂

    I was far too impatient to do a gender reveal! We are having a boy and i was guessing ‘boy’ while we were still looking at the umbillical cord! Hehe.

    Beautiful video though and congratulations on your baby girl! (Although i realize she’s here now!)

  26. So, I’ve just recently joined your blog in the past couple months. And I just came across this. Even though I obviously already knew Alexis is a girl, I cried right along with you! This was a beautiful way to tell people the sex of the baby! I’ll say congratulations, even though this was almost a year ago haha

  27. So I was completely in awe of your gender reveal and we were doing something similar. It was funny because after I saw your blog I was telling my husband and friends how cute it was how emotional it was for you guys and I was saying how I didnt think I could get emotional like that. WELL I was proved wrong we had our reveal last night: and it was such a complete shock and emotional (as you can see in the video) that I had to come and tell you 🙂 xoxo

  28. I love this! I can’t help but get emotional when I see others get emotional. And, with also having a girl (and wanting a girl but not wanting to admit it to myself for fear of being disappointed) I can really relate to your excitement! And it’s just so much fun isn’t it? If/when we have another, I definitely want to find out the sex and do a reveal of sorts. Our girlie was a surprise :]

  29. I randomly came across your blog and this video while I was searching for inspiration for my 25 week “bump” picture. This video was absolutely beautiful and I just wanted to tell you thank you for sharing!


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