Table of Contents
About Every Avenue Life
Every Avenue Life started with a different name, The Art of Making a Baby. This blog was born out of a need to share all the research I was doing preparing to embark on the biggest journey of all of our lives: a baby. Being type A, I took the research seriously and took every precaution possible. You can read about our preconception preparations here.
After we had our beautiful baby girl Lexi, I took parenting with the same excitement and learned a few things on the way. Some by trial and error and others by reading a lot and talking to other moms.
Now we are usually bouncing between countries and destinations (which you can read about on our family travel blog, Our Little Voyages ), homeschooling (Yes! I can’t believe we made the switch), learning a lot and always ( we both love new information) and spending time together.
About Elena
I am the ultimate summer girl. Cold, snow, wind, rain- those I things I refused to accept and that is how we ended up one of the most sunny touristy towns in the Sunshine State. To brag a little though, I did go on an Arctic Expedition and jumped into the freezing Arctic ocean from the ship. So I almost feel like I need to have that label of the summer girl taken away from me!
I have too many hobbies to list or have time for, which causes a lot of frustration (many desires+no time= frustration). At this point my long time hobbies are travel, volleyball, photography, video editing, blogging, starting new websites (guilty), foreign languages and reading.
I have several businesses that I work at more than full time (though luckily I can do it from a computer anywhere in the world), running a publication for women, Daily Mom, with a few more sister sites that are in the works or have recently launched. I also consult for brands, do workshops and coach on internet marketing, SEO and social media.
I spent some time working as a model in New York and Miami and left because it was time to start a family. My personal goals, for self-improvement, would have to be getting really good at playing drums and perfecting my Spanish and moving onto French. My professional goals are to successfully launch 5 more sites this year.
I love anything and everything tropical, colorful and warm.
Travel is probably the biggest passion in my life right now and I cannot go more than a few weeks without getting wanderlust. You can read all about my personal solo travels here
About Lexi
If there was one phrase I could use to describe Lexi it would be FULL OF LIFE. She’s so energetic and extroverted, yet so multi-faceted. Her soul is incredibly empathetic and cares for every living creature. She is a great friend and a fun daughter. Alexis is not afraid of change. In fact, like her mom, she welcomes change and often asks for it. She is currently homeschooled ( after we went through 3 schools in 1.5 years and couldn’t find one that would challenge her enough academically). Her passions include traveling (oops, that’s my fault), arts and crafts. She’s very creative and enjoys the process of drawing and making things. She thrives on knowledge and learning and you frequently can find her watching TED talks and educational videos mainly on neuroscience and space.
About the Past
If you scrolled through some of the old and new posts, you might have noticed that after 12 years of marriage, Alexis’ dad and I decided to end it. It was not a sad decision, it was for the best and you can read more about it here.
We have a great co-parenting relationship and he is the best dad Alexis could have because they both share a sensitive, emotional nature. We respect each other and always help each other out. Though it wasn’t always that smooth
About the Future
We are very excited about what the future holds and if we have anything to do with it, it will hold a lot more travel, blogging, teaching others how to achieve success and a lot of fun times.
While you’re here, please check out our other websites and join us on Social Media:
• Websites: Our Little Voyages | Be Fit and Travel | Every Avenue Girl | Daily Mom
• Newsletter: sign up here
• Facebook: EveryAvenueLife
• Instagram: EveryAvenueLife | OurLittleVoyages | LexiPlaytime
• YouTube: EveryAvenueLife | PlayTime with Lexi
• Pinterest: EveryAvenueLife
You might be interested in these resources:
- Pre-conception Preparations
- How we found out (BFP)
- Gender Reveal
- Bump Updates
- Pregnancy Resources
- Nutrition Posts
- New Mom Resources
- TTC, Pregnancy, Baby and Parenting Books
- Maternity Fashion
- Best Baby Products
- Alexis’ Nursery
I always respond to comments, so feel free to look around and reach out with questions and comments!
My email is hello {at} everyavenuelife {dot} com