Egg “painting” – Week 6 of 52 Weeks of Experiences

Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences

I am totally behind on posting our weeks. Whenever I travel even for a day, it screws up my posting schedule big time, because there is usually a lot of work I am trying to catch up on otherwise. But I am back and no more travel for a whole week (whoo-hoo!). Then we are once again going away for a while, but I am hoping to steal those naps and evenings to post and work.

If you haven’t joined our 52 Weeks of Toddler/Preschooler Experiences and explored all the ways you can have fun together, check out this post and then this post.

WEEK 6 – egg painting

To see all our experiences, click here


Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences 

Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences

So last week I was supposed to post about the Egg Dying that almost occurred. Except for, instead of egg dying, we decided to do some EGG PAINTING. Lexi loves painting outside, so after our Easter activities out on the town, we came to our house with Alexa (Lexitwin) and had an egg painting session.

The girls took to it immediately and had a lot of fun, as evidenced by the fact that they were busy and quiet for probably a good hour, while we hung out and took pictures.

A few times Lexi dropped an egg on the floor and it would crack, so she would frown and walk up to it and go “Oh-oh! Egg broke“, and stand there “upset” for a little bit. Then she decided to see what would happen if she stepped on it and continued going “Oh-oh!” (picture below).

I always find it interesting how when she spills or drops something, she then has to see what happens if she spills/drops the rest of whatever she is holding.  I even have a video I posted on Instagram a while ago when she accidentally spills some milk while cheering and then flips the cup over completely as if “well, now that it’s spilled, I might as well dump the whole thing on myself”.

After this activity, I have to say that for this age group, I like the idea of painting eggs much more than dyeing eggs, since it’s a more of a hands on activity.

Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences  Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences

Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences

Next week (which is this week really), I am hoping to do one of these:
gather shells, go to a train museum, go on a family bike ride through the woods, pick fruit at a farm.

We’ll see what will actually happen.

This week’s post is coming up later in the week and Lexi  RODE A ROLLERCOASTER!!!! There is even a video of how awesomely terrifying it was 🙂

Egg “painting” – Week 6 Of 52 Weeks Of Experiences


  1. Backwards Day
    (Daniel Tiger episode tie in, Backwards Day book tie in)
  2. Ride a pony/horse
    (Berenstain bears book tie-in)
  3. Go to the airport and watch the planes land.
    (Curious George episode tie-in, Curious George book)
  4. Go to a music shop and explore the instruments
    (Daniel Tiger episode tie in)
  5. Go to a train museum SEE OUR WEEK HERE
  6. Jump in Puddles (Weather contingent) (Hello, Fiends book) SEE OUR WEEK HERE
  7. Feed ducks at the park (Curious George book)
  8. Dance in the rain (Weather contingent) (Olivia book )
  9. Plant something from seed and watch it grow OR plant a garden
    (Curious George episode tie in,  Little Critter bookCurious George book)
  10. Climb a tree
  11. Gather shells (Berenstain Bears book)
  12. Ride a trolley (Daniel Tiger themed)
  13. Go to the lake to look for tadpoles
    (Curious George episode tie-in, Curious George book tie in)
  14. Go on a scavenger hunt in the woods
    (Curious George episode tie in, another Curious George episode tie-in Berenstain bears: nature’s guide (this is a great book for a scavenger hunt and it rhymes)
  15. Fly a kite SEE OUR WEEK HERE
    (a great rhyming Berenstain bears book, Curious George episodeLittle Critter book)
  16. Roast marshmallows by the fire
    (OLIVIA tie in)
  17. Play in the snow (Location contingent)
  18. Go to an aquarium
    (Berenstain Bears bookLittle Critter book, Curious George book)
  19. Have a picnic – complete with basket and red checkered blanket. (Berenstain Bears book – another great funny rhyming book)
  20. Lay out and look at stars (Curious George episode tie-in)
  21. Go camping unplugged (phones turned off)
    (Daniel Tiger episode tie in, Curious George episode tie in, Little Critter book tie in, Curious George book tie-in,  OLIVIA book tie in other camping books)
  22. First movie theater movie (Curious George book)
  23. Go to a petting zoo!
  24. Listen to a thunderstorm (Weather contingent.)
    (Daniel Tiger Episode tie in, Little Critter book tie in)
  25. Have a Family Movie Night with snacks  SEE OUR WEEK HERE
  26. Run around the grass in a park, barefoot, as a family
  27. Pick fruit at a farm SEE OUR WEEK HERE
    (Daniel Tiger episode , Curious George book)
  28. Make Snow/Sand Angels
  29. Make pinecone and peanut butter bird feeders and hang them in the yard
    (Curious George tie-in)
  30. Draw with chalk on the driveway/sidewalk
  31. paddle a canoe down the river
    (Curious George episode tie-in)
  32. visit a tidepool  (Weather contingent)
  33. Egg Dying (Curious  George book)
  34. Go to see a boat show (at Christmas)
  35. Go on a sunset cruise on a boat
    (Curious George episode tie in)
  36. Make giant bubbles in the yard SEE OUR WEEK HERE
  37. go to a waterpark
  38. go to  Botanical gardens
  39. Go bowling
    (Curious George episode , Curious George book)
  40. Jump on the bed/couch/furniture together (5 Little Monkeys bookSEE OUR WEEK HERE
  41. Get long newsprint/butcher’s  paper and trace/color your hands, feet and bodies!
  42. Make cookies together
  43. Play Hide and Seek
  44. Build a fort out of blankets and pillows (The Fort that Jack Built book)  SEE OUR WEEK HERE
  45. Go to the Zoo
    (Curious George episode, Curious George book)
  46. Go on a family bike ride through the woods
  47. Make newspaper planes
  48. Get a few giant cardboard boxes play pretend with them!
  49. play tennis
  50. play miniature golf
    (Curious George book)
  51. Ride a roller coaster SEE OUR WEEK HERE
    (Curious George episode , Curious George book)
  52. Ride a train
    (Berenstain Bears book tie-in)



  1. Aww, they look like they had so much fun! I can’t wait to read about Lexi’s rollercoaster experience. I LOVE rollercoasters, and I’m really looking forward to taking my daughter on her first one.

  2. We painted eggs too. It was absolutely more hands-on for her age than dying. It’s so boring! When C placed the eggs down a little too hard on the table, it cracks and she also ‘got upset’ and said “mommy it broke.. Can you fix it?” I explained it can’t be fixed but she can peel the shell and eat it! Then that’s all she wanted to do haha

  3. Egg coloring is always fun!!! we colored the eggs this time, using the natural eco coloring kit. It was actually pretty good. Not too messy and my 2 year old did OK with waiting for the eggs to color. She enjoyed breaking them and eating the yolks, so we ended up with 6 colored eggs out of 12. 🙂

  4. Alexis looks really tan – especially compared to Alexa. Do you worry about her being exposed to UV rays?

    Also – is she left handed?

    • She is in the shade in most pics, while Alexa is in the sun. Their skin tone is pretty much the same.
      Not sure about left-handedness, it’s too early to tell as she is still ambidextrous at this point. But she does use her left hand a lot.

      Anything else? lol

  5. Hubbs has been on a protein-heavy diet this past little while, so I have been handling eggs all week long (every morning for breakfast)! Never even crossed my mind to paint them! But DD seems to not like eating them in any form, although she likes holding the raw eggs gingerly as my baking helper! She channels her inner Miss Elaina when I break them – “Hey! Who broke the egg..?” said suspiciously 😉 But I think I might paint them too, next year! I have never really understood the appeal of dyed eggs, and I hate the smell of vinegar! Did the tempera paint work well? I’d love to find something that dries quickly and is non-toxic!

  6. I think this was a awesome idea! I tried the whole clouring eggs in cups thing and she got bored after the first 5 min. You are right that painting them I much more hands on! We shall have to do that next year!


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