Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

After the cake was finished, half the guests had to go home and put their kids to sleep and the other half stayed for the pool part of the party. Which was almost my favorite, since things were  now relaxed. It felt like any normal day at the pool, except that the Lexis were dressed alike and there was a photographer taking pictures 🙂

And yay, I didn’t think I would actually finish blogging about the party, but I did 🙂 It was sweet to go through the photos again. Enjoy the last post and the photos.

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Photos are taken and edited by MM Works Photography


Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party

Our friend and photographer and her beautiful family.

Swan Birthday: The Pool Party


2nd Birthday Party: Planning, Party Favors, Decor

2nd Birthday Party: Party Outfits

2nd Birthday: The Morning Of

First Birthday posts start here


  1. I have been waiting for the pool part! I am in Canada and well, it’s always nice to see sunshine and pools (lol, even if it is in pictures).
    Glad to see the girls getting to do something fun. That’s what 2 year olds want. To swim, play, and eat cake. lol. I was beginning to think that the party was mainly for pictures, but this part was the best.

    Almost time to plan party #3… any ideas yet?

    • You must have missed the part where the entertainer arrived and everyone was having fun…lol

      For the first time, I am actually starting to plan the 3rd party three months early. That should mean that it’s going to be the best and most thought out one. I would hope.


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