Swan Birthday Party, Part I

Swan Birthday Party, Part I

I realize it has been over a year since her birthday. There has been so much travel and events since then that blogging about has been pushed back. But now as she is approaching her 3rd birthday and looking back at the party, it was FABULOUS. I loved it and she looks adorable in her Swan outfit with her matching best friend. I just have to finish blogging about it, timing be damned.

I will keep it short and just leave the photos.

The first part of the Birthday Party was guests pouring in and children playing with toys we brought out as well as snacking. The tea sandwiches we made were killed within 30 minutes (they were yummy sandwiches) and we had to resort to ordering pizza to keep the guests fed. 🙂

Other than that, the first part was just a lot of talking and playing on the part of the kids while we waited for an entertainer to arrive.

Swan Birthday Party, Part I

{Photos are taken and edited by MM Works Photography}

Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I Swan Birthday Party, Part I


  1. Isn’t Lexi’s birthday in January? You still have a few months to go before its “been over a year”.

    Obviously Andrew was there, but I don’t see him. Do you have a family picture from that day? I always seem to forget to stop long enough to get in any pictures, yet my husband is in so many shots. LOL

    • I meant to say “almost a year”. Andrew was hanging out with the dads. Half the time in the kitchen drinking scotch, half the time on the sidelines. Somehow the photographer didn’t capture the guys much. We have some “family-ish” pictures in the future bday posts. There are a lot of photos still to blog 🙂


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