Other Disney posts:
Disney’s Animal Kingdom: Trip 1
Disney’s Epcot and Magic Kingdom: Trip 1
I am having Disney withdrawals, hence the recent need to catch up on Disney posts from the last 2 trips.
It happens every summer. We can’t go in the summer due to heat and crowds so we wait till September, but in the meantime it’s killing us not to be able to just grab Lexi and go there for a weekend or so.
I am incredibly curious to see how different the trip will be with Alexis being 19 months old. I know she will probably be unstoppable like the last trip at 12 months (coming soon), but I wonder if she’ll be more interested in attractions this time.
Either way, our yearly September trip is going to happen. It’s the best time of the year to go due to low crowds but really warm temperatures (so it’s good for water parks). Mainly it’s the crowds that bother us. September is a no-wait kind of month. No lines, no wait- beautiful. My niece is coming to visit us from Russia, so she’ll be joining us. Maybe we’ll swing by Universal too.
Anyways, it’s 1:30 am and I need to go to sleep, but I cannot leave this post unfinished and not scheduled for some time in the future (type A in me). So I’ll stop with the words and start with the pics.
This is the trip after which she started walking. Last trip was when she learned crawling. I swear every time we go to Disney she takes a leap in her development. Fun!
Age reference: 10 months
Some of what you’ll see in the pictures below:
Stroller: babyhome Emotion ( a kick ass lightweight stroller. LOVE IT! A sort review and a video here)
Diaper bag: 2RedHens Limited edition
Red Nursing Top: Boob Design
Purple Nursing Hoodie: Boob Design (link to the hoodie)
I have to say a few words about the hoodie. Aside from the fact that it was so helpful to wear nursing clothes around the parks, I cannot say enough good about this hoodie. It was cold enough that I needed a sweater and to be able to just pull the tab down to breastfeed rather than take off the entire hoodie or lift it up, it was priceless. It is so comfy and fits so well, despite the extraflap, it’s my favorite piece of warm clothing. I cannot wait for the winter collection this time so that I could order another one of the hoodies.
White star hoodie and alphabet pants on Lexi: NUNUNU, my favorite. Doesn’t she look amazing in the this set?
That’s great! We are planning to take our Lexi in September too. We figured it won’t be as hot and less crowds. Beautiful pictures
IG me when you go. If we are there at the same time maybe we’ll meet up
I am itching to take James to Disney. Since we only live it Tampa it’s not that far. I think we might sneak away for a weekend in september as well!
September is awesome! Do it!!