As I was writing the postpartum beauty routine post, I realized how much it changed from before and during pregnancy and how I was struggling to find new routines that were faster but more effective.
I’ll be talking about what I personally arrived at and what products I use to make my life easier and how it differs from before.
I would also like to ask you, guys, if you have any problem areas or questions and what you’ve found to be most challenging when it comes to postpartum hair care and make up.
I’ll have 2 pros answer your and my questions (one for make up, one for hair) about what we can do to look beautiful and polished when our lives as new (or old) moms are far from it.
Ask your questions in the comment section. The questions should be about styling and applying make up and techniques or routines. Unfortunately, they won’t be able to answer questions about green/safer products to use (it’s sometimes I will try to discuss a bit in the actual post)
I have a busy, active toddler, so my hair and makeup routine is as follows:
1. Find something to distract him for 10-15 minutes
2. Brush teeth, wash face, apply makeup, do hair
3. Get interrupted approximately every five seconds by kiddo wanting to get into my stuff
4. Have hair & makeup routine take ten times longer than it needs to
I would love to read about some quick and easy hairstyles for shoulder-length hair that aren’t “scrape it back into a ponytail and spend the day looking boring as hell”. I would also love to learn about funky-coloured hair dye (think green or pink or purple) that is environmentally friendly and non-toxic, as I’m thinking about doing something fun with my boring old brown locks.
My hair falls out a lot postpartum (thankfully I have a lot of it, but it is shedding badly), so I have to wear it up a lot. I’d like tips for wearing it up in stylish ways to avoid a constant ponytail. Thank you!
I wear my hair wet every morning- its easier cause it curls.
Make up– IF I get to do it, I apply once I get to work.
I’m up showered and out the door for work in 30 minutes. Whirlwind! Id love to say I look fabulous but I usually look frizzy, tired, and lacking make up
I worry a lot now that I have a baby about the products that I use on my body that he is exposed to. I have always used bare minerals makeup before, but now, with his little hands always touching my face, I worry even about him ingesting that. And this may sound strange, but I am curious what kind of deodorant everyone uses. I pretty much live in nursing tanks when I am at home, and with most deodorants containing aluminum and other chemicals, I worry that my baby will be exposed to that while nursing and just generally crawling all over my body. The only natural deodorant I know of contains tea tree oil, but the scent is way too strong for me…
I worry a lot about the same things – my baby loves to suck on my hair, face, etc. so I’ve drastically reduced the use of beauty products to make sure she’s not ingesting anything that could be toxic. Instead of any styling products I just use organic coconut oil on my (curly) hair, which I use as a moisturizer as well (everywhere but my face, where I use DeVita Natural Skin Care Solar Body Block which has an SPF of 30, and also a rating of 1 on EWG). I use Toms fragrance-free deodorant, which also has a rating of 1 on EWG. I’ve never worn much make-up (which is why I think I’ve got good skin, I’ve never used foundation or powder or anything which can clog pores), just mascara and lipstick at work to look a little more polished, and I try to stick with natural/organic brands with low EWG ratings for those as well. I use Fundamental Shampoo and Dr. Bronner’s on my body/face in the shower, and that’s it. It’s a nice simple routine, and I feel good about everything I use!
I would love suggestions for healthy makeup, and how to deal with the hair regrowth! I have such bad frizz!
Moroccanoil treatment. For fine or light colored hair.. smells great works better than conditioner .. I bleached my hair this pregnancy and turned it to rubber lol its helped restore rhe strength and also gives it a healthy glow otherwise I think it looks frizzed dried n haggy lol. You use a pea size n rub it in ends up n thats it.. noticed too my hair doesn’t need to be brushed so much too. I don’t usually wear it down cuz it sheds by the gobs but when I do I feel really pretty lol
I’m definitely interested in the green products post. In particular if you’ve found anything organic for your hair in terms of shampoo and conditioner…I hate everything I’ve tried so far. The organic shampoo never lathers and always leaves a film!
P.S. You are insanely beautiful, mama!
John Masters Organics and Acure Organics are my two favorites for natural shampoo and conditioner…you can find both at Whole Foods, health food stores and online. I usually try and wait for a sale and then stock up! I have tried (what seems like) every natural shampoo and conditioner out there, and these are my favorite two lines.
My routine is fairly simple and doable with baby (so far). I’m fortunate that he seems to be mesmerized by the blow dryer! I have a question regarding eyeliner–I have always used Laura Mercier Cake Eyeliner in Bleu Marine to tight line my upper eyelid; however, I find that this is a total pain in the neck now and I am often distracted and wind up screwing up the application. Are there any products that would give me the same effect, but with easier application? I’m wondering about possibly a pencil? I just find the tight lining process to be a pain with cake eyeliner these days…having to use a separate brush and be sure to get the eyeliner wet enough to reach the right consistency. Thanks for any ideas!
Makeup for me at the moment consists of eyeliner, eyeshadow and clear lip gloss, which i put on very quickly in the morning while my baby is occupied with a toy. When i go back to work i’ll need to add a bit more but i think i will just need to get up earlier to get baby ready for daycare and myself for work.
I wonder if there’s a colour that will hide (or make less obvious for longer) grey regrowth in medium brown hair. For example, i know getting blonde foils put through my hair means i can go 2-2.5 months before i need a touch up, but i’d rather spend the money that the hairdresser costs ($200 easily here in Aus!) on my baby. At the moment it needs redoing every month and a half. I can apply dye pretty easily to myself but don’t want to attempt foils at home. Perhaps a block colour in light brown would hide grey better that my current medium brown? Anyone found a solution to this?
Hi hun, I feel your pain as I am in Aus too and sick of paying insane hairdressing bills for blonde foils! The best solution I have found bayalage. They call it the color for “lazy girls” haha. Basically the color is painted on to create a natural sun kissed look as opposed to a block color or foils and allows you to go much longer between salon visits. Google it and check it out
Because of postpartum hypothyroidism, some of my hair grew in in a new texture and it breaks easily. It’s starting to get better, but I have a ” stripe” of hair that is a completely different texture and length just left of my natural hair part. Since the rest of my hair is fine, this really stands out! If I wear it in ponytail I have little 1-2 inch spikes sticking up thru the rest of my hair. Is there a product that could help me smooth the flyaways down without looking like I have a lot of stuff in my hair, and is there a haircut that would help it grow in less obviously?
I want to know why all of the paraben free shampoos and conditioners leave my hair so tangled? I am trying to be a lot better about the products I choose and so far the hair products that are free of harmful chemcials are ruining my hair (or so it seems) Also, how to reduce frizz and especially the frizz around my face from wearing my hair up in a pony tail so often- so any tips of how to prevent hair from “snapping”?
Does anyone have an opinion on the Jason brand hair care, and the Whole Foods 365 brand?
Omg I have the same issue! I think it has to do with dimethicone that coats hair to make it smoother in traditional shampoos.
I have been using healthy shampoos for a while now (2 years) and I’m not a fan!
I’ll be trying this new salon quality line without parabens or most harmful chemicals so I’m hopeful!
I use paraben free shampoo and conditioner. I don’t know what brand you typically use, but also check to see if it’s sulfate free. I can’t even get a brush thru my hair if it has sulfates in it.
I TOTALLY suggest the Abba Brand:
Along with the conditioner. They have one for color treated hair as well. Abba brand is A-MAZE-ING. It leaves my hair so silky. By far, it’s the best “natural” shampoo/conditioner out there.
I typically get mine from Ulta, but amazon has it too.
I currently use Murad fash wash, but am skeptical of all the chemicals in it. I’d like a bomb-diggity face wash that cuts the oil level, but is still natural.
Me Too!!! oooh, I get so stinkin angry at my non-paraben tangled hair. I’ve found that adding “giovanni” products into my routine has helped a bit – especially the “protective moisture leave-in hair treatment” … but, I’m also not a mom, so I’ve got a bit of extra time to add extra products into my routine.
I have natural curly hair and the days of blow outs and straightening are pretty much over until baby can entertain himself for longer than a few minutes. I wear my hair in a ponytail A LOT because he has just started the pulling on my hair phase (and necklaces so no more of that). Would love some new up-do options instead of just a ponytail which I rock pretty much every day.
I have also had the same problem with the natural shampoo’s. I can never get my hair untangled after using them. Would love some products that are as chemical free as can be but can still allow my hair to feel smooth and less frizzy (especially in the Florid heat and humidity).
Make-up wise I don’t really wear much. Maybe some powder every now and again but mostly just mascara and tinted Burt’s bees chap stick. Love that stuff.
Same hair issues with me. As far as makeup I usually go with a tinted moisturizer and a little blush but the lack or sleep and sun is leaving me needing a little mOre but I don’t have a ton of time. Thinking of switching to a BB cream b.c I’ve heard that it’s like having all your makeup products in one step. Is this true? If so, suggestions on types? Obviously if there is a more natural way to get more coverage quickly I would love that but I’ve given up hope for finding one. Really appreciate this upcoming post!
I love the Melaleuca products, which may not be completely organic, but are much more natural (the cleaners are the best for stains, bar none). I have tried to set aside a once-a-month deep condition/smooth shave me-time. I thankfully don’t have to shower everyday, but when I do it is when my son is napping. Over the past year I have been trying out different haircuts to find what will be quick and pretty. I have long, thick, somewhat curly hair so it can be a challenge. My make-up consists of foundation and mascara. Being pregnant (but one the home stretch, yay!) means my skin tone seems to change daily.
The care I find hardest to get around to is keeping my fingernails nice. Trimming and filing seem to take so much time, and my nails have become rather brittle this pregnancy. What natural products are there that can keep nails healthy and nice, without resorting to polish? I do not want that in my baby’s mouth!
I think we all just need to set aside expectations and work with what we have been given. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I think being happy with our motherhood does more for us than any beauty routine. Of course I try to avoid looking sloppy and unkempt. That is never good testimony of the joy of motherhood. As long as my husband thinks I’m beautiful, I feel neat and tidy, and the children have my attention, who cares how elaborate my hair is or perfect my make-up looks.
Can you address post partum hair loss? My hair was so gorgeous during pregnancy– so thick and shiny! Now, even 9 months later, my hair is still shedding like crazy. I am thankful I have a lot of hair, so no bald spots or anything like that, but my new growth is driving me crazy! It’s so short and it’s hard to style since it doesn’t blend in well– especially around my hairline!
I have really bad frizz from broken off hairs near my temples on the sides of my head. How do I tame them?
I’ve never been a makeup wearer, but what’s the best product to use to cover up single zits on the face without having to wear a whole face full of makeup?
I’m multi-racial, so my hair is thick, wavy, and gets frizzy. The products for “regular” and even “frizzy” hair are too light, but the products for African American hair are too thick. I’ve tried many different oils and cremes but can’t find anything that makes my hair look *nice*. I’d love to know of some good products for my type of hair. Also, ideas for how to wear my hair in cute ways that are not my typical ponytail or single braid!
I have the same problem as quite a few of the other commenters – my hair is falling out like crazy post partum. My baby is 6 months old and it’s still falling out in handfuls! Thankfully I have very thick hair, but it is really annoying. My baby likes to grab at my hair and it seems like he always has a few strands in his chubby little hands! I have the annoying new hair frizzy growth, and fly-aways, especially around my hairline and temples. Since I wear my hair up in a ponytail constantly (to keep it out of his reach!), I would love to know how to tame the frizzies! And also if there are any quick up-dos to make me look slightly more together
Looking for suggestions for the crown of fuzzies; since I lost so much hair after delivering my son, it’s growing back now but I’ve got a fringe about 2″ long around my face that just sticks up everywhere. I know this is a common problem and someone must have a solution other than super-strength gel to stick them down…
I would love suggestions for a quick and easy makeup look. What are the essentials I need to get out the door quickly and look pretty and polished for work? I have definitely streamlined my make up/ hair routine and would love suggestions about basics and products that do double duty. I am a make up junkie but I just don’t have the time for it anymore.
I’d really love to know what to do about dark circles under the eyes. Everything I read about and most products seem to be geared toward reducing puffiness, but my eyes have the opposite issue. I have horrible dark circles and sunken-looking eyes. I’m attributing it to sleep deprivation, but if sleep isn’t an option, how can I disguise it!?
Please post about PP hair loss (how to make it stoppppp!) and how to cover dark under eye circles.
I hope I’m not too late.
Now that I have 2 kids I have even less time and energy to devote to hair and makeup ( I never liked spending much time on a daily basis). Plus I don’t know what to do with my shoulder length, wavy hair, so I end up putting it in a ponytail/bun or leaving it down au natural and hoping I don’t look too bad. I’m getting sick of it though.
Please post some easy, simple things to do with hair and makeup.
And Elena, I like the way your hair looks when it’s down and wavy/curly. How do you achieve that look without your hair getting frizzy and poufy?
Thank you, Tamara!
I don’t do much to my hair. It does get frizzy. The best trick I have against that is putting it in a loose or tight braid after the shower and wearing it that way and letting it out after it’s dry. That gives a neater, less frizzy curl.