Week in iPhone photos




1. FUTAB- feet up take a break!

Week In Iphone Photos

2. Travis attacking anything I have in my hands
3. Casper and Jake staking their territory on my leg.
I swear the cats knows something is up, because they have been so needy and just LOVE sleeping on me and/or my stomach.

Week In Iphone Photos

4. Our usual 3-5pm torrential rains
5. And the fresh calmness that comes afterwards.

Week In Iphone Photos

6 and 7 –  Morning walks in the sanctuary

Week In Iphone Photos

8,9- Finally being able to make food again:
shrimp with tomato olive sauce I came up with and brown rice (I can now eat shrimp and thank God cuz I need the protein- living on diary for my protein needs is too hard)
spinach,strawberry,walnuts salad

Week In Iphone Photos

10. Hello frumpy housewife, again 🙂 lol I wanted an easy dress to put on and it made me look like I’m the cleaning lady.
11. Rubber band is a savior of all pregnant women. I am in no way ready for maternity pants, I’m not big enough and really don’t want to waste money on something I’ll toss the second I can- I’d rather wait and buy some adorable dress in my normal size for when I’m done being pregnant.

Week In Iphone Photos


12, 13 – Going out on appointments- looking good for the first time this week/month.

Week In Iphone Photos

{a week in photos}
Week In Iphone Photos
Week In Iphone Photos


  1. Funny how animals know. My cat wouldn’t leave my side when I was pregnant and became super protective. Now if he hears hear crying he runs to her. It’s so cute:)

  2. Lookin’ good is right! You look wonderful! Beautiful/creative/interesting pics as always! OK…hope you saw my most recent post because it was inspired by our conversation last week….pics of me! SCARY! LOL! Have a great weekend & hope you’re feeling good!

  3. Hun, congrats on being pregnant!!!! I haven’t been around here (or on any blogs, including mine for that matter) for so long that I missed the news! I am so happy for you guys, I hope you have the healthiest, happiest baby in the world! 🙂 Big hug for the future mama 🙂

  4. I used a hair tie around my button until week 15 when I finally caved and bought some maternity jeans.
    However, since I have anterior placenta, I showed sooner than most women, and was not able to button my jeans pretty much from week 6 and on.
    These things were a SAVIOR, and I continue to use them even now, because the panel on maternity clothing is not cute, at all.
    My friend lasted her entire pregnancy only using these- she would just leave her jeans unbuttoned underneath and roll them under the baby.
    Check em out, they are fab for in “in between” phase, and like I said, I still wear them now (especially as my shirts are getting shorter and shorter, and I want to cover up the ugly maternity panel)


  5. You’re beautiful! I had twins and was barely showing at 14 weeks too. In fact, I don’t think it was until around 20 weeks that the bump really started to protrude. 😉


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