This week’s update

This Week’s Update

This Week’s Update: It’s been so busy at work! My husband and I work in real estate and things are booming. I don’t have time to even think about posting.. OK no, that’s a lie, I can’t stop thinking about posting and that completely distracts me from working. I’ve been getting up at 8 am, doing some cleaning , making breakfast and working up until 8 or 9 pm, while all I really want to do is post on my blog. Due to that, I’ve been really very ineffective at work. Things just don’t get done. Sometimes I think about how much I wish I was a stay at home mom without deadlines and crunchtime rather than a stay at home workaholic, but then realize that I’d miss being productive if I wasn’t working.


BABIES: I keep having people ask me if we have started TTCing, and I have to tell them the whole story about this health insurance bullshit. I wonder what’s going to happen if we start trying and it takes us a while… Hahaha! I bet I’ll have everyone wondering if we’ve conceived yet. But I’m such a NOT secretive person. I just don’t care to keep things to myself.

FUN: Last weekend we had a nice yacht trip with some friends of ours. I will be posting pictures soon (HOPEFULLY). And this weekend we’re taking off to Universal with neighbors. That will mean more pictures (that I have to edit- fun!)

MSC: In the meantime, i have been posting on my photography blog, because it’s easier to upload a beautiful picture with a handful of words, than try to come up with a whole post worth of vowels and consonants. If you aren’t subscribed, you better go and do that, because all the “pretties” go there.

BAD: I haven’t had any time to practice drums this week. When I am done with work and too tired to blog, hubs wants to watch movies/shows. We’re on the latest DVD season of DH and United States of Tara ( Love it!)

WEIRD: I’ve been also watching SOS MI VIDA, an Argentinian soap opera with Natalia Oreiro, in Spanish. I understand about 30% from my Spanish knowledge and another 30% from context. It’s fun and it helps me learn Spanish when I am too exhausted to study.

Disclosure: all photos taken by me, except for the last one.

This Week’s Update
This Week’s UpdateThis Week’s Update

Don’t forget to check out my photoblog, if you haven’t already.
This Week’s Update

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This Week’s Update

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This Week’s UpdateThis Week’s UpdateThis Week’s UpdateThis Week’s Update



  1. The photos are fantastic! I also enjoyed reading your tips on selfie’s this past week.

    Unfortunately, if you were a Stay At Home Mom, you’d have different kinds of deadlines and crunches that never go away. It can be fun, but it is the hardest work I have ever done. Currently, my son is sleeping, but it has been a rough few days, so instead of working out or cleaning or doing laundry or working on a client’s photos, I decided to chill. It is nice to be able to decide to chill and forget the other stuff…..if you want…..that part is nice.

  2. That first photo is just fabulous! It tells such a story with your composition! I wouldn’t be as perfect if you had decided to take out the front part of the boat. I love it! Love all your selfies!! So inspiring :O)


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