Tuscan White Bean Salad – The best salad you will ever make!


Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!

So during one of our rare trip out for dinner ( we try not to eat out and cook more because that way we can control the ingredients that we put into our meals and cut out anything un-healthy), we ended up at CPK ( California Pizza Kitchen). I went for the usual Tuscan White Bean Soup and Hubby decided to try this new item off the small craving menu that was basically a bean salad ( and yes that’s all we ate- if anyone ever bothered to look up the nutritional content of any restaurant dishes, they’d know that that’s more than enough calories for a light lunch).
I literally fell in love with it at the first bite. It was so light, yet substantial. Too much oil of course, but you can expect that from a restaurant and we didn’t flag the waiter in time to tell him we needed dressing on the side. So determined to make it at home, I noted all the ingredients that went into it and the next day promptly whipped up what will become my all time favorite salad.

What I love about it is that it has a perfect balance of protein rich beans, fresh and vitamins K and A abundant cucumbers and tomatoes, healthy fats from an avocado, and folate rich beets.
So do yourself a favor- don’t be lazy and make this salad ONCE. If you don’t like it- no worries, but if you do, this will be one of the most nutritional and healthy meals you will ever eat/make.
Note: since I don’t have a recipe for it, all the measurements are eyeballed and to taste. I suggest you do the same.


1 cup White beans( rich in protein, Folate (64% DV in 1 cup),Thiamin, Iron and pretty much every other mineral) {I use navy beans}
2 Avocados( anti inflammatory, rich in smart fats, vitamins E, C and Folate, Potasium and Copper) {make sure it’s very ripe}
 1 cup Cherry Tomatoes( anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamins A,C and K)
1/2 Red Onion( incredibly anti-inflammatory, rich in vitamin C and Manganese)
1 Cucumber (rich in vitamin K)
1 Beet( rich in Folate and Manganese) { if you’re not a fan of beets like me, don’t use it. I personally like the beet-less version better}
3 leaves of Basil ( rich in
Croutons ( not rich in anything but damn good  in this salad)
Dressing: Olive oil and Red Wine Vinegar for dressing ( or red wine vinaigrette)

1. First prep the beans. If you bought raw beans from Whole foods like I did, soak them overnight or for at least two hours and then set them to cook for about an hour or until firm to touch but soft to taste. Don’t let them cook too long, because they’ll fall apart and that’s never good in a salad ( I let mine cook too long this time by accident)


Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!

Once the beans are ready drain them and set them in the salad bowl. Cut cherry tomatoes in half , cube the beets and add them to the bowl.
A note about the beets: I find this salad much more flavorful without the beets. So unless you’re a FAN of beets, skip this vegetable completely or use sparingly.

Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!

Cube your cucumber, add it to the bowl

 Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!

Cut the avocado, basil and throw it in with the croutons ( the latter can be added later after you’ve already served if you plan on refrigerating the leftovers)

Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!

Add chopped up red onion ( I put way too much here. You need just a bit)

Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!

In the meantime, prepare the dressing: a little bit of red wine vinegar, mixed with slightly less olive oil, seasoned with salt and pepper ( I’m sorry I do not have measurements, but season and mix to taste)

Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!

Season the salad with salt and pepper ( season generously- this salad like salt) and add the dressing. Voila! Healthy and Filling!

Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!

Let me know how it works out for you if you decide to make it.



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Tuscan White Bean Salad – The Best Salad You Will Ever Make!


  1. Ugh, I hate it when I order a salad and it comes with a huuuuge amount of mayonnaise or vegetable oil. So one thing I’ve learned – always order dressing aside 🙂

    Wait, why am I reading a pre conception blog?? Oh, well 🙂 I must admit you have some great stuff not only for pregnant women, but for everyone who wants to be healthy! I just started working with a nutritionist and I am always on the lookout for a good healthy meal 🙂 Definitely going to try this salad, thanks! xo

  2. Iva, how did you find it is my question 🙂

    You should definitely trying making it. It’s heavenly! I’ll be posting more cool recipes. We’ve been eating really well for 2 years now, so I have a lot of those up my sleeve.

  3. I have no idea!!! 🙂 I sometimes check your tumblr ’cause I follow you there and I think there was a link to this page?

    Never mind, glad I found it! 🙂

  4. I just made this and am literally eating it right now. It’s so good! I used fresh lime juice instead of red wine and I added quinoa. Also omitted the beets. (yucky)
    The salad is so yummy and I LOVVEEE the croutons in it! I’m about 7 weeks pregnant now and ny stomach has been so sensitive. All day all I could eat is an apple becasue everything gives me heartburn!. I’m so glad I found your blog because I really want to start eating healthier and I can feel my body craving more fresh fruits and veggies! Yayy! Thanks for the idea, I’m happy to be able to eat, especially something I actually feel good about putting in my body!


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