Bokeh is Sweeeeeeet!



Bokeh Is Sweeeeeeet!


Bokeh Is Sweeeeeeet!

After having a super stressful couple of days, nothing seems to make me happier than working on some pretty shots. Personally, i do not think there’s anything more magical in photography than light and bokeh. Those washed out circles of happiness enhance any photo. My first Canon Digital Rebel was bought 4 years ago because I wanted to have the joy of looking at bokeh in almost every photo.
After the 1st lens, came the nifty-fifty ( 50mm) for the sole reason that it has f/1.8 which means I’d be getting more of that yummy bokeh.

So for today’s challenge it was very difficult for me to pick just one photo. Christmas is just too much fun with a 50mm.

S0 here’s some BOKELICIOUS bokeh love for you people! BE HAPPY! LIFE IS WONDERFFUL!
Bokeh Is Sweeeeeeet!

Bokeh Is Sweeeeeeet!

Bokeh Is Sweeeeeeet!Bokeh Is Sweeeeeeet!

Before and After Blog Hop
3 BoyBarrians

You Capture


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Bokeh Is Sweeeeeeet!


  1. Continuing our conversation…I want your email address – I can see us having an email relationship. Those pictures on my post today (christmas tree) were taken with my rebel. So my grain starts at 400 ISO. I have no fear of going much higher with my 7D…in fact, I fully plan on it!

    • Yeah, I was thinking about that too lol. Just emailed you.

      And i figured about the rebel after I posted the comment. I sold mine- can’t go back to it anymore. The only thing I regret is having to part with my Tamron 17-55mm f/2.8 lens cuz it was not for full frame cameras, so it wouldn’t fit my 5D 🙁


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