Funny Pics of 2010


Funny Pics Of 2010I have been waiting for this particular challenge from Crosbie Crew, because there’s nothing I love more than goofy funny pictures. I’m usually the one staring in them. If i had a movie the gag reel would be full of me making silly faces and acting like an idiot 🙂
 This year has been pretty short on pictures. After all the rejects were removed from Lightroom, I had about 7400 pictures. Picking out funny ones wasn’t that difficult. What was difficult is choosing which funny ones to share with you. I had 146 funny shots. Getting them down to reasonable amount was awful! I still think that I posted too many but if you have a second, it’ll be worth it, I promise! In additon, I am playing Simplicity and Sweet Shot Tuesday
  Can’t wait to read your comments! But here are the winners in no particular order: 



On the way to Universal with friends and Hubby having too much fun withLeeka’s  fish eye lens. 


Funny Pics Of 2010 

This was done for a Flickr project in the beginning of the year. Don’t remember the theme but it took 5 jugs of water and a ton of towels to mop up the mess 🙂 

Funny Pics Of 2010 

Those who read my blog might have seen this photo. It was taken after finding out the news about a particular test   that was done on DH 

Funny Pics Of 2010 

Just being goofy with Leeka. Fish eye is just too much fun! 

Funny Pics Of 2010
Taken late late night on my cell phone camera. My yawning babies 🙂 

Funny Pics Of 2010

The usual thing is our household: Travis trying to bite Caspers’ ass…


This is a very long and sad story, which makes the photo even funnier. While in Ecuador, DH got a horrible food poisoning. We were in the middle of nowhere at a friend’s beach house and had no idea where to find an ER and if one existed there and was open at 3 am. He had to be put on IV, he was that bad off. Just looking at that picture makes me sick. And of course, there’s my famous tongue. Couldn’t help it even with my hubby hooked up to an IV 🙂 lol ( but i was really really scared, to be honest) 

Funny Pics Of 2010

Gabster and DH being goofs

Funny Pics Of 2010 

Ecuador again. I was given freshly caught fish by the local fishermen to take a picture with. It freaked me out and it smelled bad 🙂

Funny Pics Of 2010

HOT BUY! No further comment. 

Funny Pics Of 2010
Should  3 year old girls really check out 3 year old boys’ packages? 


Funny Pics Of 2010Funny Pics Of 2010

If this is not chemistry, then I don’t know what is.

Funny Pics Of 2010
Water temperature: really freaking freezing. Number of idiots: 2. Missing swim trunks: 1 ( thankfully cut out of the picture) 

Funny Pics Of 2010
What else do you expect from 2 Russian men and an American at an Easter party 

Funny Pics Of 2010
goofy family (sister, nephew, sister, niece, nephew). BTW, you can guess who put them up to goofy faces picture.

Funny Pics Of 2010
Is that his age or IQ? 

Funny Pics Of 2010
My favorite character, Alice, is true to form:grown in size and about to step on you. This was Halloween 2010 at magic Kingdom and it was a blast! 

Funny Pics Of 2010 

Not sure how Thing 2 thinks he belongs in an Alice world, but whatever, it’s Halloween. 

Funny Pics Of 2010 

How we found two pairs of glasses with one missing side is still beyond me. And who keeps them  anyways?

Funny Pics Of 2010
Katya can really do a kick ass flip, but nothing beats head in water – ass up 

Funny Pics Of 2010

Funny Pics Of 2010
My hubby didn’t think this photo was funny. But it just cracks me up  how I’m going along being all cool and getting photographed while my mom is about to flip over behind me 🙂 HAHA! 

Funny Pics Of 2010
The Bearded Lady! 

Funny Pics Of 2010
I really do love my mommy! 

Funny Pics Of 2010
A jump fail! ( bad timing) 

Funny Pics Of 2010
At a Cat in the Hat ride being spun around. I think it turned out pretty cool. Notice who isn’t paying attention to the camera and is in awe of the ride! 

Funny Pics Of 2010
Classic: Alice and Dorothy in “Thriller”  and Zombie poses ( coudn’t pick one of them, so posted both 🙂 sorry) 

Funny Pics Of 2010 


Funny Pics Of 2010
Yes, I am pregnant with a black cat. The funny part is he stayed there and fell asleep. I love my little babies. 

Funny Pics Of 2010 

And finally the “Looser Circus “-  Balance fail! 

Funny Pics Of 2010


Please don’t forget to VOTE daily!

Funny Pics Of 2010


    • Thank you so much! I don’t really think they are all awesome, since they were taken with different cameras, even a cell phone camera. But the trick is to know how to compose the shot, having a really good camera ( mine is 5D Mark II) and lens and knowing how to work light. Oh and a lot of practice.

  1. hopped over her from m3b… and really enjoyed your photos over my morning coffee.. put a smile on my face! loved the big alice shot, the one of the little one w his head in the can, and thebalance fail. your comments were ALMOST as funny as the shots themselves! :))
    here’s to an even better 2011~

  2. I love your pictures! The giant Alice one is positively awesome. I never would have thought to do that. I found your site via Little Miss Momma’s BFF link-up. My real-life BFF is also a model who decided against the whole heading off to Europe for who-knows-how-long. Anyway, if you ever find yourself with a few minutes to kill, please come check our Photography forums, or you might prefer our Womb & Mommy forums.

  3. I love all of your pictures! I just adore you life & your style is great! You are such a fun person & I adore that 🙂 I meant that in the most non~creepy was possible 🙂

  4. Forgive my typo’s. My computer is always trying to correct me & it’s still not correct.

    I love all of your pictures! I just adore your life & your style is great! You are such a fun person & I adore that I meant that in the most non~creepy way possible 🙂


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