I Heart Faces: Best Face of 2010


I Heart Faces: Best Face Of 2010
For I heart Faces Contest

Happy Birthday, America!

This photo was taken for the July 4th celebration of our country’s birthday in 2010. Self portrait, done as all other photos: with tripod and remote.

It probably doesn’t really stand a chance with all those cute kids’ faces (OMG, are all bloggers mother? lol), but I just really want to share this photo with you guys.

I Heart Faces: Best Face Of 2010


  1. Okay…so maybe there are a lot of cute kids, but that’s what makes yours special and different!
    I personally love it, and you defnitely had my vote! 🙂


  2. LOVE IT! Should be hands-down winner since it is so different!
    This was a week that I so wanted to enter a photo and I missed the deadline. And I was going to enter…. (wait for it….)…. a pic of one of my kids! Glad for this refreshing change.


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