Photo Share Tuesdays


Photo Share Tuesdays


I was thinking….
I like posting about my pregnancy.
I love showing you cute purchases, whether it’s clothing or baby stuff (believe me so much more of that is coming)
I feel somewhat obligated to share any marginally useful information I find about pregnancy related things.


But what I have always really really LOVED doing the most is photography. More specifically sharing photos from my life.
I even started a blog just for photography in hopes of NOT junking up this blog. But there are times I feel this blog doesn’t get enough of photo love. I always have to hold myself back from posting pictures I looked at last night or photos I took a few days ago. I feel like I should be working on more important but difficult posts like nursery updates (coming) or write about my feelings (ugh!) or write about products I love. So I push away the need to share photos. I contemplate posting more on the photography blog but that site is reserved for photos I shoot. And what about a ton of pictures shot by friends and hubby? I can’t post them under MY photography blog.

Now, we all know that onceAlexis comes this will be full of her photos, so hold onto your panties, people. Plus, when I am no longer pregnant and can resume semi-normal life with regular beach outtings, and friends, and boats, zoos, gardens, Disney, etc- you’ll see a lot more of my life on here. But for now….

I think I’m going to start a PHOTO SHARE TUESDAY. Not a professional photography link up but simply a day where I  post ANY and as many pictures as I wish, whether they are taken by me or someone else. No pressure, no time commitments- just any photos I am “feeling” at the moment. Just a Photo Share Tuesday!

Anyone is welcome to join of course if they want. It can be any photos, point and shoot, phone cam, professional, personal- anything you haven’t posted before and would like to share!

I’ll create a button for it next week.

So here we go.

Today’s pictures are from May 2009. My friend Leeka was visiting with her daughter Gabby and we were spending every day the best way possible: at the beach

{All photos are taken by either Leeka, me or husband}

Photo Share Tuesdays
Photo Share Tuesdays

Photo Share Tuesdays

Photo Share Tuesdays

 {Linking up with The Happiness Project}

Photo Share Tuesdays

I remember how much fun it was playing “house” with little Gabby. At that point we weren’t ready to have our own, but we loved stealing moments like this once in a while. It was the best of both worlds.

Photo Share Tuesdays

Photo Share Tuesdays

Photo Share TuesdaysPhoto Share Tuesdays
Photo Share Tuesdays
Photo Share Tuesdays



Photo Share Tuesdays

Photo Share Tuesdays

Photo Share Tuesdays
Photo Share Tuesdays

Photo Share Tuesdays

If you enjoyed the photos, would you please click on the banner below and vote for us? One vote a day makes all the difference!
Step 1: Click on the banner
Step 2: Confirm by clicking on the brown balloon above the owl.
Step 3: Rinse and Repeat tomorrow


  1. UM…WOA. I’ve been trying to study these shots for like 5 minutes now. I’ve taken beach shots in full sun and they look NOTHING like these – oh wow! Absolute perfection. Your lighting is so even…so harsh shadows – SO PRETTY!! I really need to work on that. You are looking ADORABLE… and I see NO grubby hair in the posts above – LOL! Looks good to me!


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