Oh My God, we are switching to a Clek Oobr Booster Seat!!!

Oh My God, We Are Switching To A Clek Oobr Booster Seat!!!

Do you guys remember when Lexi was very little and I wrote this awesome review on Clek Foonf where I proclaimed my undying love to it?

Well, it’s time that I tell ( and show) the truth…

I STILL LOVE IT! I love it so much that was hard to to admit to myself that it was time for Alexis moves into a (Clek Oobr) booster. She hasn’t technically grown out of the specifications but she no longer fits into the seat. I’m not sure how these specifications work but I’m guessing her extra long torso is the underlying issue, causing her to simply be too long for the seat itself. (she gets it from her mama).

Even though I love the Clek Foonf, I wanted to see if what else there was out there. Surely there has to be another brand that rocks the booster game as hard as Clek rocks the convertible car seat game, right? And since Lexi’s torso is so long I wanted to make sure I found the best booster for her that will actually grow with her properly. So painstakely, I MADE myself look into other convertible options. And there were none, except for switching into the booster (we also tried Diono which has some of the best height limits, along with Clek, but didn’t work for us). So considering how important car seat safety has alwas been to me, I wanted to find a very safe highback booster option.

Despite my research, I quickly found myself back at Clek, checking out their Clek Oobr booster. Right off the bat, the Clek Oobr jumped out at me because it’s been rated a “Best Bet” by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety for eight consecutive years. Ratings like this always make me feel more confident. Their Elemental Safety System protects your child on all sides- front, side, and rear impact- and the impact absorbing foam means less pain even if there is an accident. The belt guides on the headrest of the Clek Oobr help the seat belt fit your child properly every time, while the headrest itself is structured to prevent movement during a collision, protecting your child’s head and neck. In fact, entire seat frame is made from magnesium alloy, one of the strongest materials on the planet, to help prevent any damage from a collision. One of my favorite features of the Clek Oobr booster, however, is it’s ease to install. The Rigid Latch system means I can just click and go. The seat is easy to move and transfer, and I know she will be safe every time we get in the car.

Eventually the high back of the Clek Oobr can be taken off and changed into a regular booster but thankfully for my mommy heart, we aren’t even close to being there yet.

I mean is it a surprise that Clek is rocking their booster game too? Nah, not surprising at all. Even though it was difficult for me to finally jump into the booster phase of our lives, I made the decision to go with the Clek Oobr . I didn’t tell Lexi because I wanted to surprise her. I filmed the whole process to get her genuine reaction, and I love it.

Watch her awesome reaction and my thoughts here, and also let me know  if you are dreading the time when your baby is big enough for a big seat belt. Or are you anxious to get them into a “big kid” seat?


Clek Oobr Booster


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Oh My God, We Are Switching To A Clek Oobr Booster Seat!!!


  1. These seats are still awesome and still are so f-ing expensive. My kids are nearing the end of the convertible seat and the writing is on the wall. Lexi looks adorable. I am not even sure how old this post is, I just clicked a link from a random FB add – the creepy internet knows that I am looking for a booster. Glad you are still sort of blogging – it has always been a fun read. best of luck –

    • hahaha,hey Irina 🙂

      They ARE very expensive, but if it’s in someone’s budget, they are the best seats around!
      And yes, I have been ramping up blogging here slowly, because I miss it 😀 Keep coming back!
      And this post is the latest post, just published!

  2. How old is your kid? Mine is currently in a Clek Foonf, is 3.5 years old, and over 45 pounds. And she’s on the last strap setting of her seat! I’m guessing by her birthday this winter she’ll be ready for the Clek booster seat but 4 just seems so young!


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