Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

I travel quite a bit for work, so anytime I can attend an event at Lexi’s school I try to be there. A few months ago, her school had field day- a day in which the kids are able to participate in several different games and activities, working together as a team. Lexi is pretty active, just like me, so to watch her play with her friends, cheer them on, and try new activities was fun to watch.

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

Since I was able to go to field day I decided that it would be a great opportunity to try out these new Snazaroo Face Paint Pens that I got from Snazaroo. Snazaroo’s face paint pens gives my less-than-artsy self the ability to create fun, fantastical patterns to life easily. And the kids had such a great time getting their faces painted!

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

With Snazaroo’s Face Paint Pens you are able to create 10 looks in under 10 minutes. The how-to guide gives you examples of looks you can create, or you can create your own. Since I was doing it for the kids on Lexi’s field day team, I did 17 faces and I was still able to do them in under 10 minutes. It’s just that simple!

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

The pens make kid’s face paints easy. The tips are soft, felt-like tips so they are gentle to use. There is no mess, no clean-up, and no water which makes it perfect to use in the classroom for an event like this or even a birthday party. The designs in the how-to guide are simple enough for anyone to do and since kids love getting their faces painted, Snazaroo Face Paint Pens will always be a big hit. They come in several different color packs so you can create different designs based on a theme or combine them to create designs of your own. With combinations like the Adventure Pack, the Jungle Pack, the Monochrome Pack, and the Fantasy Pack you will have plenty of colors to achieve the look you want without the mess or complications of traditional kid’s face paints. You can even jump on their website to see how to create all kinds of different looks.


Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

The kids simply loved having their faces painted for field day. They were the only ones at field day with their faces painted, and you could tell they felt like little warriors as they set out for their different events. It was so simple to do and I really enjoyed getting to be engaged with Lexi’s class rather than just supervising. I got to talk to each student on her team for a few minutes while I painted their faces, and it was a great way to put faces to names of the kids she is always talking about while at home. We had such a great time!

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

I think Snazaroo Face Paint Pens will be a staple in most of our events and get-togethers. It’s a great way to give the kids something to be excited about and it doesn’t take a whole lot of prep or clean-up, so it’s easy to incorporate into anything. Birthday parties, sleepovers, hang out with friends- Snazaroo Face Paint Pens make all those things a little more bright and colorful. They also help to bring out the imaginative side of the kids- it’s a lot more fun to pretend to be a superhero or a tiger when you actually look like one!

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face PaintsSnazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

Snazaroo Face Paint Pens, along with all their kid’s face paint is safe for even the most sensitive of skin. It is paraben and fragrance free, and easy to wash off at the end of the day. Snazaroo has several different kinds of kid’s face paint designs that you can create with their face paints no matter if you use traditional face paint or their face paint pens. Design tutorials can be found on their website, showing you that their Face Paint Pens are as easy as 1-2-3!

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints  Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints

Field day was a huge success. I’m glad I was able to be a part of it this year. Hopefully next year I can be there, too, and we can continue to use Snazaroo Face Paint Pens to get the kids pumped for all the activities of the day.

Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints Snazaroo – Easy Kids’ Face Paints


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