Sun and Fun: Toys and Safety Accessories

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

The last post in the Sun and Fun series is about all the items that actually make it fun to be in the sun (as well as safe and comfortable).

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Number 1: SUNHAT!

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

I have gone through….. one, two, three, four, maybe five sunhats for Lexi. I’ve tried different brands and the only one stand alone (not with a swimsuit) hat that sticks out at me is this Polarn O Pyret sun hat. It looks great with pretty much any outfit, unlike the swim hats I’ve bought before. White, UV protective, but most importantly flattering with its wide shape and rounded top. It has ties at the bottom for those lovelies who tend to tear hats off at first opportune moment.

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories  Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

It’s just a hat that really works for us.


Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Number 2: SUNBLOCK

I have LITERALLY gone through maybe 15 different types of sun protection lotions and while some were better than others, I never felt truly satisfied. Being constantly on the go, I need something that sprays, yet is non-toxic (almost impossible to have those two in one product), spreads easily and is non-whitening.Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Our sunblock application process is usually very rushed. Lexi is impatient, I am impatient, it’s hot as balls in the summer. I used to HATE slathering white zinc based sunblock on Lexi and I would ALWAYS skip myself.
Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Finally, in my eternal search for better products that simplify or “speedify” my life, I found IT. A spray based (not one of those bad for environment spray bottles), non-oily yet oil based, so it spreads easily, translucent, mineral non-toxic sublock. Ah! here I am to share it with you. Go get it- it’s really amazing. You have to give it a few seconds to dry, since it’s oil based, but once it dries it doesn’t stain anything.Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

We also use a face stick from the same brand that seems to work well.
Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

For myself, I usually use Amarte sunscreen because it smells amazing, applies like a dream and gives you a shimmer. It’s the only way I can quickly slather it on before Lexi is running somehere else.

BUY IT: Spray sunblock | Face Stick | Amarte Sunscreen

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Number 3: TOYS

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Our favorites right now are  these beach toys and wagon from American Plastic Toys. Super cheap (like crazy cheap, perfect for the beach where toys get left and washed away). And I love their themes and forms- they are very cute compared to what I’ve seen around. Double recommend!

BUY IT: Beach Toys | Beach Wagon

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Number 4: Beach Tent

I wrote about it 2 years ago (baby beach essentials) and it’s still a cool item to have. It’s not as essential as it was with a baby, but when we do go as a family, it’s nice to spread it out and have a small refuge from the sun. Especially if we remember to bring one of those clip-on fans.

BUY IT: Beach tent

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Number 5: Cover up

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Our number 1 item for sun protection, Petit Crabe UV shirt. So easy to put on when out of the water and playing. We usually totally bundle Lexi up  when in the sun, but sometimes she will be wearing a standard swimsuit and her shoulders will be exposed, so I just throw this shirt on and forget about having to reapply sunblock on her torso.

BUY IT:  Swimshirt

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Number 6: Water-safe shoes

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

THESE WATERSAFE PEDIPEDS. What awesome technology! To have sneakers that are water safe and breathable  and also machine washable!!!! We use them for the waterparks or pretty much anywhere she is bound to get in the water, as well as for daily use too. Machine washable-ness can’t be beat, though I haven’t had to do that yet, since they seem to retain their shape and color even after puddle splashing.

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

BUY IT: Neptune | Venus |  Riddell

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

Number 7: Sunglasses

Ok, ever since we were told that Lexi was nearsighted, I obviously educated myself on myopia and as a result read up a bit more on general eye health, too. Now that I have the knowledge, I am amazed at how parents (and us before included) disregard the effect of sun rays on  developing eyes. You see parents hanging out at the beach, all wearing sunglasses while their kids don’t have a pair, same thing at Disney or any crowd. Once you pay attention, it really jumps out at you. It’s like “Whoa! We protect our eyes and yet forget about our kids!”

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

I know most kids hate having glasses on, that’s why I am mentioning Babiators once again. These are the BEST sunglasses for babies and toddlers. Not only do they look great, but they also stay on and are so comfortable that kids rarely want them off. If you’ve tried any other glasses and your baby won’t keep them on, it’s time to try these.

BUY IT: Babiators

Sun And Fun: Toys And Safety Accessories

I think that’s all of our essentials for now. Have a safe summer, guys! I love you all and I miss interacting with you, but I am working on making things happen so that I could respond to your comments and be on IG again.



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