Unique Idea Books and Planners To Read During Quarantine

Unique Idea Books And Planners To Read During Quarantine

I wrote this post well before quarantine based on some unique books I discovered, but then as the quarantine hit, I thought “What great ideas these books are for someone stuck at home!”. So I am making it Coronavirus Quarantine themed! They are a bit random, but pretty cute ideas to use as gifts for yourself, if they appeal to you, as much as they did to me! You can watch the video to see inside and get details on what these books are about or scroll down for links and descriptions.

Cool New Self-Help and Improvement Book Releases

Fourth Trimester Cards for New Mom

My Favorite Books For Adults

Pretty cool cards with a lot of useful and interesting information! I definitely would have enjoyed going through these when I was postpartum. These unique cards help new parents understand what is going on in the 4th trimester and get tips on how to help themselves or their babies during this new stage of life as well as inspiration and motivation.


My Favorite Books For Adults

Fear of missing out? Not any more. JOMO gives you 350 ways to enjoy missing out and enjoy staying in. It is a great way to give yourself ideas on enjoying staying in instead of venturing outside your home.

Self-Care Planner

Unique Books You Want To Know About

If you have a hard time planning out your daily self-care, this planner can help you do it. It gives you step-by-step ways to help you plan self-care, tips for including it in your day, and ideas for self-care.

No Worries Workbook

My Favorite Books For Adults

If you are looking to learn more about yourself, this workbook can help. With 124 different activities, prompts, and lists you can learn more about what makes you tick, how you can overcome these negative self-talks, and how to move on with your life.

Tell me what your favorite unconventional books are!

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Unique Idea Books And Planners To Read During Quarantine


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