20 Unique Gifts for Kids Who Have Everything

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

I love shopping for the holidays almost as much as I love seeing Lexi’s face on Christmas morning. I came up with a list of gifts that I think are just amazing for this holiday season.. Some we have tried and some we will be getting this year, but all in all these are some of the most unique gifts for kids who have everything.

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

20 Unique Gifts for Kids Who Have Everything

Peaceable Kingdom Board Games

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Kids love board games, but they don’t lose loosing, especially at a young age. For kids who get everything they want, I recommend these cooperative board games that are fun, but also aren’t frustrating because you work together as a team to defeat the enemy. Lots of different story lines and all of them are easy enough for the youngest kids, but fun enough for the older ones.
Cauldron Quest is one of our favorite ones.

Buy Peaceable Kingdom

Jooki music player

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Screen-free, kid-focused portable audio player that solves several problems while entertaining your kids. Even 2 year olds can operate it and the volume is limited to a nice level so adults aren’t bothered too much.

Buy Jooki player now

Lost Kitties

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Kitty obsession full force here! Mini figures of kitties in different situations hidden within tubs of play dough along with accessories. Adorableness factor: 10

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything
Buy Lost Kitties here

Poopsie Pooye Puitton

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

This fun slime making kit might have a weird name, but it is something all kids will love. Using the kit, your child can create their own different colored and scented slime with sparkles, crunchies, and unicorn magic. The carrying case puts it all in one spot so they can create and take it with them. And it only takes water  so you don’t have to buy extra supplies. If you saw our Instagram stories, you know how intensely focused and obsessed Lexi was while  playing with this set.

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything
Buy Poopsie Pooey Buitton Slime Kit here

Fizzy Magic Bath Bombs

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

If your kids love bath bombs, these kid friendly bath bombs add an extra special touch. Each bath bomb contains a surprise inside and each one has a clue as to what the prize inside might be. They smell great and add a ton of fun to daily baths!

Buy Fizzy Magic Bath Bombs here

Beasts of Balance 

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

If you’re looking for a game to bring the whole family together, this is it. Working together or competitively, you create balancing beasts that sit on top of each other. It brings together digital play and traditional family games for hours of fun. It is also one of the most unique gifts for kids  who have everything that you could fine.

Buy Beasts of Balance here

Big Creativity Can

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

If you have a child in your life that just loves arts and crafts, this is a perfect gift for them this holiday season. This can of crafts comes with over 100 pieces so they can create whatever they can imagine. 

Buy Creativity Can here


20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

A classic game that is perfect for kids of all ages. Dominoes can be modified for different age levels. You can use them as the traditional game or for counting, sorting, and cause-effect relationships (make those dominoes fall!). Lexi loves to play a quick game of dominoes every evening.

Buy Dominoes here

Ooly Art Supplies

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Ooly is one my favorite companies especially for those kids who love to create. They have countless art supplies that are not only great quality but super fun to use. It would take me days to list them all but they have markers, paints, oil pastels, kits, scented pens, journals, and more. 

Buy Ooly Art Supplies here

Vertellis Game for Families

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

This is a perfect game to help families engage in conversation and have a little bit of fun without any screens. Vertellis has sets of questions families can ask one another to start up conversations and get talking. Your kids will love sitting and chatting with you, and you will love to hear their answers. I have to say I got quite an insight on how Lexi thinks and what she feels playing this game with her.

Buy Vertellis here

Gas Out

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Gas Out is a fun and silly game that will have the whole family rolling on the floor laughing. Simply draw a card and pass the gas button to that person before it passes gas! If your family is into bathroom humor they will love this game.  At this time we are in the “poop” stage where everything poop, penis and vagina is super funny. So it’s a fun game to play.

Buy Gas Out here

Water Garden

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

The Water Garden is a self-cleaning fish tank that grows organic microgreens on top! The fish waste fertilizes the plants & the plants clean the water. Then you can use greens in smoothies or salads, and no more cleaning gross fish tanks!

Buy Water Garden here

Not Parent Approved Game

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Not Parent Approved is a fun fill-in-the-blank card game for the whole family. If you love Cards Against Humanity, you will love Not Parent Approved. It’s the same sort of game, but kid-friendly!

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything
Buy Not Parent Approved here


20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Flipside is a fast-paced game where you have to match the color squares to the game piece before they change. A test of speed and concentration, your child will love to see how fast they can move.  It’s a great replacement for screens and much easier than Rubik’s Cube. Lexi loves it and we play together, because believe it or not, it’s actually fun for adults too!

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything
Buy Flipside here

Responsibilities Chart

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Keep kids accountable with this wooden magnetic responsibilities chart . It has 20 different chore options and a magnet for each day your child does their chore with encouraging words. It’s a great way to teach responsibility
 and the kids get excited too. I am not even exaggerating when I say that Lexi has been consistently and willingly helping us with responsibilities that before used to take some coaxing. 

Buy the Responsibilities Chart here

Snazaroo Face Paint Pens

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

These face paint pens are super simple to use and can create a new look in just minutes. If your kids are constantly begging you to get their faces painted but you cringe at the thought of paying $20, these face paint pens are for you (and them!). They come in a variety of colors so you can create any look you want. 

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything
Buy Snazaroo Face Paint Pens here


20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Your science-loving child will love to have a microscope of their very own. This microscope is the real-deal, too. It looks just like the one they have in their science lab at school, and it comes with blank and prepared slides for them to examine. They can even grow their own organisms in the petri dish!

Buy a Microscope here

Botley the Coding Robot

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

Botley is a fantastic STEM/STEAM toy that your kids will love. It offers the most basic level of coding abilities but continues to grow with your child as their coding abilities grow. There is also no phone or tablet needed to work with Botley. 

Buy Botley the Coding Robot here

Snap Circuits

20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

There is nothing more fun then discovering how things work. Snap Circuits helps your child learn how electricity is created and transferred by making their very own customizable circuit board. It can be as simple or as complicated as they would like it making it fun for different ages!

Buy Snap Circuits here


20 Unique Gifts For Kids Who Have Everything

In my opinion, there is no better gift for a child than gift of travel. SO most of the times, we skip gifts and go adventure somewhere. For families where that is not in the budget, or schedule, I would highly recommend some of the awesome kids’ books by Lonely Planet Kids.

Shopping for unique presets that I know will bring extra joy is one of the best things about the holiday season for me, besides watching her face light up as they open up a gift they love. I love all these gifts listed above because they don’t use any screen time and they are fun for the whole family. Do you have a perfect gift idea for this holiday season? Leave it in the comments below- we all need some good ideas!

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