The Best Kindergarten Graduation Gift

Kindergarten Graduation Gift

Well, school has started almost everywhere. If not, it won’t be long till most kids return to school (homeschool peeps, I am authentically envious)

The Best Kindergarten Graduation Gift

There were no tears during Lexi’s kindergarten graduation. I am not a teary type and I have not really been sad about Alexis growing and advancing through steps of her life. Because I looooove to see all that comes with it. I am partially sad for the future, when she will not want to snuggle (or so veteran parents warn us), or won’t be sweet. But I am not sad for the moment. Besides, I still hold out hope that the sweetness stays, that she will be the only teenager on this planet who enjoys  hanging out with mom, and giving her hugs. I know I know… you can say it…

Lexi’s Kindergarten Graduation
The Best Kindergarten Graduation Gift

I am not, however, sad for all that awaits her. I am not sad for how smart she is becoming. How knowledgeable. How advanced her thinking is. Just recently she was a one year old. And now she discusses brain functions, hormones and the beginning of universe with me.
This is the part where I say that I want to duplicate this whole journey I’ve had with her over and over and over again. And that’s why people have multiple babies. I don’t have the time or mental energy for another, but I can’t say that it wasn’t an amazingly fun 6 years so far.

The Best Kindergarten Graduation Gift

So she graduated from her Kindergarten, where she made a ton of friends. Where teachers and classmates became family, not just to her, but to me as well.

The Best Kindergarten Graduation Gift
Look who made an appearance! 🙂 So grateful to have a great relationship with her dad

We had to switch schools for several reasons, one of which was our move a bit further north in the city.
I’m lucky to have a child who doesn’t skip a bit in new situations, so it was never a concern or a worry that we are switching schools. And we are both excited for the new journey.

The Best Kindergarten Graduation Gift

I am glad I was able to capture the video of the graduation so that she could remember the kids and teachers she spent her first school year with. I can’t think of a better kindergarten graduation gift for her than a memory of this part of her life, that admittedly will not seem as important at times, but that she will cherish when she gets older.
As much as I want to be lazy, filming their big moments is an important step. What do you think?

The Best Kindergarten Graduation Gift

How did you feel when your children were graduating and how do you feel now that school has started?

The Best Kindergarten Graduation Gift

It’s really kind of cool to compare this graduation with the graduation from last year, from pre-K. I can’t believe that only last year she was in pre-K. Seems like she’s been going to school forever, she’s been a big girl for a while now.


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