Lexi and I are always on the lookout for the best stuff to bring to you guys. Whether that’s clothing, gear, toys, or cool tech finds we want to share with our readers the little known brands, or even super popular ones, that we have tried and loved. Lourdes is one of those brands.
I was going through photos from the last few years and couldn’t help but had a strong desire to share these ones we took for Lourdes over the last few years. Designs are sooo cute.

Lourdes is a Spanish-brand of designer clothes for kids. I love it because all of the clothing is super cool, is filled with character, stylish, and fashionable while still lending itself to be a kid’s brand. Lexi loves it because it is comfortable, bright, fun, and easy to wear. With styles ranging from dresses to sweatsuits, skirts to t-shirts, there is something for every kid no matter what their style.
Lexi has been wearing Lourdes clothing for several years as you can see in our look-book below. We have had the opportunity to try many different brands of designer clothes for kids, but Lourdes is one that we have repeatedly loved every time.
Check out our look-book below for some of Lexi and mine’s favorite styles, and to check out Lourdes on social media if you want.