Lexi’s Youtube Channel: Lexi Playtime

Lexi’s Youtube Channel: Lexi Playtime

So Lexi has won! She begged me for a youtube channel and I did it.
I guess when I think about it, she really deserved it. She directed and helped me filmed her first video. She has been shooting her own youtube videos and practicing. Who am I to keep her from it, right? Not only does it help her creative juices flowing but it gives her a sense of accomplishment, teaches her how to start a project, come up with ideas, how to speak on camera.

I am sure you’ve been asked by your kids to start a youtube channel for them.

Have you resisted? Do you have a strong opinion on it? Or it’s simply a matter of too much work and time?

Lexi’s Youtube Channel: Lexi Playtime

So go over to Lexi Playtime, give it some love, subscribe, some thumbs up and comments 🙂 She keeps asking me if she got any thumbs up yet and how many people watched it. And I keep explaining to her that this is not something that just happens, you have to work hard, film a lot of videos and then MAYBE, MAYBE people will watch and like it 🙂 Oh and show it to your kids! I bet they will enjoy it!

But she seems very excited and we will continue putting up content there slowly as much as she can produce. And whatever else she wants to film.

This is her latest review of Fingerlings and some photos, as well. It’s the hottest toy of the year and a pretty fun one to play with. Let us know what your kids think 🙂

Lexi’s Youtube Channel: Lexi PlaytimeLexi’s Youtube Channel: Lexi Playtime  Lexi’s Youtube Channel: Lexi Playtime

Lexi’s Youtube Channel: Lexi Playtime

Lexi’s Youtube Channel: Lexi Playtime


  1. My 5 1/2 year old son asked to make a channel. I did and posted one toy review video. I received one comment that was so hateful that I took the video down. I know it was just a troll but it hurt my heart and if my son were to ever read it, I think it would have hurt him too.

    I wish Lexi luck, I know you both are strong women. Just monitor her comments section and be prepped for the worst and hope for the best.

    I’ll go give her a sub.

    • That’s awful! But that’s going to happen because there are a lot of hateful miserable people out there. As a parent who runs the channel, it’s our job to moderate it. You can always turn the comments off, but don’t let despicable trolls keep you or your son from doing what he wants. That’s their goal to get to you, guys.
      Great job on supporting your son’s ideas, desires and creativity! 🙂 Let’s raise creatives and CEOs, not rule followers!


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