10 Reasons to Love Your Hydro Flask

10 Reasons To Love Your  Hydro Flask

Sometimes I am about to write a post and I’m like “Man, this sounds like an ad!”. I have said these words before, but only because it’s true. There are certain brands that I am passionate about that don’t need to pay me or send samples to promote them, brands that I buy on my own and recommend to friends. And I just want you to know about them. So that when you go to the store and you see them on the shelves, or when you realize you need something like this you will buy and use a product that I can stand behind.

10 Reasons To Love Your  Hydro Flask


10 Reasons To Love Your  Hydro Flask

Hydroflask is another one of those brands. I found it on my own in Hawaii and have since been using it exclusively. And yes, they did send me samples, and we have worked with them on Daily Mom for the past few years, but that is not why I am writing this post. I just love and use their bottles and want you to do the same. Spread the love and share the best, so to say.

10 Reasons To Love Your  Hydro Flask

Watch the FB live video here

I say pretty much everything you need to know there, including my personal stories, experiences and commentary, so if you have time watch. I also touch on some of my hydration habits.

10 Reasons To Love Your  Hydro Flask

If not,

here are the 10 things to love about Hydro Flask

10 Reasons To Love Your  Hydro Flask

  1. Hydroflasks keep water ice cold for 24 hours ( truly!) and hot for 6 hours ( perfect for me who always forgets to drink her tea and comes back to it when it’s cold)
  2. They come in a huge variety of sizes, a food flask, tumblers and beer growlers, and has Has different lids and spouts that adjust it for all situations
  3. Colors are fun and exciting and makes you want to collect them all. Like Pokemon.
  4. They do not retain the taste of your previous beverage after washing. No more protein shake tasting water.10 Reasons To Love Your  Hydro Flask
  5. Company that does good. Donates grants to associations that promote green spaces and parks
  6. IT IS FROM OREGON. Come on, that’s like the coolest state in the US
  7. I travel with mine EVERYWHERE. Empty it at security, then fill it up with coffee or hot water for tea and enjoy. Beats trying to manage a carry on and a scotching hot paper cup while trying to board a plane.
  8. Hydroflask just came out with an awesome lid for coffee and tea. You can sip it without burning your face/mouth, so now Hydroflask is your favorite coffee/tea mug ( o.b.s.e.s.s.e.d)
  9. Available on Amazon ( i rarely buy things that aren’t, that’s just too convenient)
  10. Has a straw spout which is perfect even for littlest kids. (Hydroflask, now get in with the program and make lunchboxes. Pretty please!


10 Reasons To Love Your  Hydro Flask


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