Who here has a child who absolutely loves to go scooter, but doesn’t seem to have any interest in biking?
She will bike if she has to. At school she chooses a bike over a scooter, but whenever we go out, she reaches for her scooter. Is it more difficult to ride a bike for a child?
Scooter recommendation: Micro Kickboard hands down
Bike recommendation: Cleary Bikes
First time learning how to ride a bike without training wheels. (kills your back btw lol )
I think bikes are much harder – I also suspect that the saddle may be a little high. She needs to be able to rest the balls of both her feet on the ground when sitting on the saddle in order to feel secure.
What works for us, as adults, and keen cyclists, isn’t quite the same as what works for children learning!
Yeah I’ll look into that. She can ride a bike, at least with training wheels, she just doesn’t find it as fun as racing on a scooter
I think riding a bike is much harder for kids. The balance, plus putting it all together (pedaling, steering, braking) can take a while to get the hang of. You could try a 2-wheeled scooter (much more like bike balance than the three wheel ones) and let her keep practicing with training wheels. She’ll get it! Most kids don’t ride on 2 wheels until 5-7 anyway…there’s no rush
True! Scooter is definitely easier and more fun. Even i prefer them to bikes
A lot of kids where I live in Portland ride two wheels at 2 or 3. I think it’s because the balance bike is popular around here. Training wheels are more like crutches, whereas balance bikes allow the child to practice balance but with the flexibility of being able to set their feet on the ground if need be. It reminds me of a scooter really except you get to sit down.
I used this guide to figure out which balance bike would be best for her: http://www.twowheelingtots.com/the-best-balance-bike-for-your-dollar-2/
Based on her height and weight at the time, we got her a WOOM1. It’s a little on the high end but it’s worth it.
She liked balance bikes at an early age and then just refused to ride one. She does fine on a bike with training wheels, so I’ll let her play with it for a bit and then when she is ready take them out.
(personally I think balance bikes are the way to go, but she wanted nothing to do with them after a certain age)
Well, that’s a 3 wheeled scooter vs a bike with no training wheels So she’s not having to balance on the scooter, but she is on the bike. My 5 year old is too tall for the kid scooters, so we got him an adult Razor scooter (2 wheels). He’s learning and loving it, but it’s harder than his bike with training wheels.
How’s he too tall? Micro Maxis have handle adjustment and the handle is supposed to be at their waist. How tall is he? Lexi is 45 inches and we haven’t even raised the scooter handle yet
He was 48 inches last time we checked.
I don’t know, that one might be fine. Admittedly, I did zero research on this. I went to Play It Again Sports and the guy said he was too tall for the kid scooters, so get an adult one. It was in excellent condition and cost $15. It works really well for him, though.
I agree with you. Balancing bike helps with learning and it will be a pleasure too.
I’m looking at those photos and the seat is definitely too high, making it more difficult for her to get on and off (as opposed to the scooter which is easier for her to access). Adjust it and see how it works out!
My daughter is almost 28 months old and likes her balance bike. There is no teaching her. She just learns on her own simply by us leaving the balance bike lying around for her to explore at her own convenience.
Ok thank you