If you missed this post on my life changes, Andrew and I are no longer together.
I am contemplating writing more about it, simply because it’s a part of my life and because many people have emailed me with their own issues they are going through, so I think it’s helpful. I am just worried about doing that in a way that would still keep it somewhat private and won’t hurt the feelings of the other person.
But in the meantime, I am trying to wrap my head around this blog in terms of single co-parenting. Is that the right term? I still don’t know how to define this. Single mother? No. I am not single. And we have a co-parenting schedule. Single co-parent? Again, not single. Am I just single in terms of parenting? But I am not single even then, because we co-parent. Confusing, huh?
I am not going to change the name of the blog. Obviously. But I would like a new fresh look, new photos and clearly a new ABOUT US page
I made a plan in terms of what I want to blog about and how I want to structure it. This month we have been traveling with just a day or two home between the trips, so I haven’t started on the new schedule, but I am excited about it. It will involve a lot of social media, so make sure to follow ( links are on the sidebar).
I want to do live videos and live reviews. I would like to get back to talking and writing about the products we use and love. I know this was an aspect a lot of readers loved and I enjoyed as well. My focus has been on sharing products on Daily Mom so I have not written much about things we use now. There are quite a few finds that help me in my daily life now and I would love to share them with you all.
- I want to involve Lexi in writing these posts and doing live videos more. She is such a smart cookie, comprehends so much, she will add a new dimension to this blog.
- I desperately want to write about challenges, daily struggles and parenting challenges. It just seems like they are so momentary that by the time I sit down, my mind has moved on and the words aren’t there.
- I want to get some guest posts going. There are so many readers who have a lot to contribute and great stories to tell that I would like to share some space for you to hear from other voices. (this would just be once in a while if someone wanted to share)
- I want to get that TRAVEL WITH US contest going. About a year ago, I had mentioned wanting to take a reader with a child on a trip with us. I still think it’s a great idea. I just need time to plan it out and arrange it.
As usual there are so many desires and so little time. But this new life of mine is making me more motivated in terms of sharing my experiences and thoughts. I am full of new inspiration.
I’d like to read about life as a “single” mom. I always struggle with calling myself that too, and I have about 80% custody. But I do refer to myself as a single mom because for the most part, I am doing things on my own. I have a boyfriend and we plan to marry, and at that point I lose the single mom title I think. But until then I find it’s the most accurate descriptor even though it sometimes still feels wrong!
I am so looking forward to these changes!! I love the blog, but changes often breathe in new life. I am sure whatever you write about will be fantastic. I love reading about products you like, and why. I have quite a different lifestyle (I am not quite so into “chemical-free” as you) but I love reading your thoughts behind why you like something, or rationale for a certain lifestyle. I also love reading blogs that just update about daily life (we went here, we ate that) and yes, that has to include challenges. I often have it in my head to write about a challenge to be open and honest, but you hit the nail on the head – by the time I come to do it it has been resolved.
Finally, I would love to know what workouts you do. I used to work out a lot (even amateur body building) but then I had kids, and have not done any real fitness for nearly five years! I feel lost where to start and so love reading what other people are up to.
I am sure your readers will love whatever you choose to write about, as long as you keep writing honestly and from the heart.
Looking forward to what is to come
Here in Brazil we call this “mãe solo” which is like solo motherhood, I love this term.
I think you should change the blog view as the mom-daughter blog, get Lexi to do some videos, like what she thinks about this new part of her life, what she likes about the trips, how is she liking school etc!
And you keep the good work, share about your new life, how is the moving going, how is your new relationship and how lexi is doing with it.
You’ll handle it pretty good
I’m completely new to your blog, but I love the honesty so far. I would say that September is a good month for change. I’m also going through the same on my own blog and it’s great to get a view of what the readers want to see more of. I really like the idea you had for live reviews and videos. Look forward to seeing it all.
co-parenting, when you hate each other HOW TO DO IT!!!!!!!!!
Can’t help with that topic.
I can only speak from experience of my own situation. You can’t control the feelings of the other person, obviously. But I see co-parenting as a business arrangement meant to raise the child in the best way possible. So emotions, and hate specifically, should be out of the question for both parties. I’m sure it’s much harder when one of the parties does not understand that.
I’m currently going through similar life changes, so I’m really interested in hearing how your experience is going. Looking forward to seeing how your blog evolves!
Thank you, Regina!
Hi, Elena! I’ve been enjoying your blog for many years now. It sounds like you have a lot of great ideas. I look forward to what’s to come and how you provide info geared towards motherhood and what can be helpful no matter where we are in life. I also enjoy your candid openness, yet your ability to protect the privacy of other parties. I think that’s commendable! Keep up the great work!
Thank you, Debbie! It’s great to hear and helps me continue writing.