Fall Clothes Photoshoot in Minnesota

Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota

So I was sitting here sorting through and editing the photos I took for Melody Lane and a few other brands while in Minnesota last week, because this is the kind of relaxing, up at 1 am night I like to have. No really, I edit photos to relax, because at this point in my life, the only way I can relax is if I am actually doing something useful and productive that isn’t what I have time to do during work time.

So anyways, I was editing photos and thought “Hmmm, maybe I should post about these. It would only take me half an hour at most to write this up, the pics are ready. Why not?”

It is my new/old motto to write things out as they happen, otherwise life happens and I never get to it. And I always write best at night, which is precisely why I haven’t been writing, because having a full work day/travel day plus gym/volleyball plus 4 year old exhausts me enough that I feel the need to pass out at 10 pm.

Sidenote: Don’t you hate how when you go to put your kids to sleep and are required to lay there for X number of minutes pretending to be asleep in full darkness, at the time that you are really tired and just want to fall into that magical place where no one disturbs you and you get to wake up refreshed… and then bam, you say “FUCK IT! I am just gonna pass out!”.

And all the plans of all the things you are going to do after bedtime and all the books you’re going to read and all the dishes you are going to wash and all the photos you are going to edit just go by wayside.

Yup that’s my story almost every night lately. Except not tonight! haha! Take that, you annoying fatigue, I was able to get up and do things.

Ok, I’ll be honest. The only reason I did stay up is because Lexi fell asleep in the car (I do a happy dance every time she does, because that means I get to stay up and not crash with her), and the only reason she fell asleep in the car is because I utterly exhausted her with school, then YMCA kids club, then a lot of running on the soccer field with her friends while we played volleyball. The problem is I also exhausted myself working out at the YMCA and playing volleyball.

Wow I am rambling… So yeah pictures. I got lots of them and I am posting them. Read my thoughts on each item below. That is if you’re into that kind of thing. I just usually scroll through pics 😀

This striped tunic – perfect for maternity and postpartum when you want to hide your squiggly form from the eyes of passersby and yourself looking at the mirror. Super roomy- you can even be a Kangaroo because it has pockets! Ahhhhhh, cue in those awesome emoji “in awe” hands. Anything that has pockets is awesome. Except for overalls. They aren’t. Oh and it covers your butt. For those who are into that kind of thing (I am not, as evidenced by one of my latest Instagram posts and the last picture of this post)


Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota

THIS! ( those AWE hands again)

Every season I end up having an item that is my favorite that I wear everywhere, whether it’s appropriate or not (Yup, the perks of not giving a fuck). BTW, notice my new free expression of speech? Yup, I decided I need to write the way I talk, and I have a potty mouth in person once you get to know me.

Last season I loved KATIE top and wore it everywhere. Still do. To travel, camping, city, volleyball, beach, gym. Literally everywhere. Bonus: Breastfeeding friendly

This season it is LISA TUNIC ($25 whaaat?)
1. It’s insanely comfortable. The fabric is so soft, I want to sleep in it. And I might tonight since I am wearing it now and am too tired to brush teeth, take makeup off or even get undressed.
2. It’s loose, so that adds to the comfort.
3. It’s short up front enough to show off your shorts to prove to the old lady at the store that you are actually wearing pants and no, your dress is not too short (common tall girl problem)
4. It’s long in the back to hide your big postpartum butt. haha just kidding! Your butt is big from all those squats you’ve been doing. right? right? (picking up the damn pacifier for the 100th time)
5. You can wear it pregnant, not pregnant, nursing. The neckline stretches, and there is PLENTY of room for your belly. I don’t need either, but damn I do remember the struggle was real and I can commiserate with the currently pregnant/nursing mommas and recognize it as a benefit in clothing.
6. Long sleeves. I am ALWAYS cold. Even in Florida. I love the long sleeves. It’s like wearing a sweater without the bulkiness, and the fabric is so soft and light, it’s like not wearing anything at the same time. Yes I am realizing that I am totally contradicting myself, but that’s just how awesome it is.


Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota

So at first I was like “What? How? Which way?”

It drapes around you and it’s unique. The color is amazing and it’s soft and it sits in such a cool funky way.

Totally fits a belly and allows for easy breastfeeding.


Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota

It is sweater time

Don’t want to admit it, but my trips to Minnesotta will require sweaters, UGH. I mean at least I can be cute wearing them right? Once again short up front, long where your butt needs extra coverage and warmth. I’ll take it.


Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota

I also shot pants for outdoor research for a Daily Mom feature. I’m kind of in love with them.
My butt looks like there is actually some progress in the glutes department. (There is none, since I am destined  to forever be that Russian skinny chick with no butt)

It is stretchy, so perfect for camping, rock climbing and what not.

Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota

Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota

Fall Clothes Photoshoot In Minnesota

That’s it for tonight, friends! Let me know what you think and if you have questions and what you liked here. Would be happy to answer!


  1. Just curious, why Minnesota? That’s where I’m from, so I’m trying to recognize the places you are in the pics. 🙂 I’m guessing the lakes area (Calhoun, Harriet, Lake of the Isles)?


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