Our Morning Routine

Our Morning Routine

I have not written about our morning routine for a while now, I think since Lexi was a little baby, so when I was asked to do a post on what my morning routine looks like on behalf of bare Minerals , I figured it would be a good opportunity to update your guys on it and see what your routine looks like.

Waking up

Our Morning Routine

I wake up when Lexi wakes up. As much as I would love to be up at 5 am in the morning and get everything in the world done, I really love my sleep. Really do. And I am not a morning person. (which I am going to be changing doing a little challenge in June that I will be blogging about). So I sleep as long as I can, which in my case would be until I hear a little voice call out “Mommyyyyy, boobie!” Yes, she still breastfeeds in the mornings and evenings. She rolls over to me, finds me and put her hands around me trying to catch a few more precious moments of sleep. Once in a while she will sleep in and wake up sitting straight up: “Mom, let’s go downstairs and PLAY!” Most of the time, I am NOT ready to play, so I ask her to snuggle for a little bit. She obliges.

Getting ready for the day

Our Morning Routine

Once we are both awake, which usually means Lexi is awake and I am groggy because I stayed up till 3 am the night before, we walk over to the bathroom to do our usual preparations. We brush our teeth together, we get our hair brushed ( because otherwise it would become a tangled mess towards the end of the day). A lot of times these things are skipped until later in the day, but I am describing a successful morning.

Our Morning Routine

Our Morning Routine


Mornings are easy times, we don’t ever have classes or appointments in the morning. Lexi plays quietly on her own without requiring any attention, and I can go and make breakfast without being interrupted by “Mommy, come play with me!!!!” For breakfast, I make fruit first. A plate of berries or a pear/apple cut up and we eat it informally. If Lexi wants to sit on the couch and eat with me, we do that. If she is too involved into her playing, I let her play and snack on fruit while I  enjoy my quiet time on the hammock outside ( I LOVE fruit).

Our Morning Routine

After we are done with our fruit, I make quick eggs, sometimes heart shaped using a mold because it’s fun.

Our Morning Routine

We eat eggs at the table usually talking about what we are going to do that day. There are days where I eat first and then she eats.

Make up

Our Morning RoutineOur Morning Routine

This usually happens in the car running to a class or an appointment, at red lights. However, recently I have been using Bare Minerals Complexion Rescue which saves me pretty much 3 steps. It serves as a moisturizer, a sunblock and foundation. I have always felt really bad about never wearing sunblock on my face because it just takes too many steps to do that- this product does it all in one shot, so I don’t even have to think twice about whether i am protected from the sun (and wrinkles) and if I remembered to moisturize my face)

Our Morning Routine

So if all else fails, I at least have an even complexion when I go out 🙂 And if i manage to put on some mascara and blush, well then that’s a good day.

So on one of those good days, my make up ends up looking somewhat like this: plus or minus dark eyes.

Our Morning Routine

Food prep

So if I actually managed to do my make up at home, the next step is food prep. I prepare all our food for the day before we leave the house and take it with me. Usually if we get out of the house it is a whole day ordeal. We go to Lexi’s classes, then to my gym and whatever errands I need to run.

Our Morning Routine

There is no time to eat there, so I take everything with me. I am actually pre-writing a post about my meal prep, my fitness routine and my nutrition routine, so you’ll be hearing a lot more about that in detail.

So here’s a question for you: What is your morning routine like? Tag me on Twitter or instagram (@prebabyblog) or respond in the comments. Does it look anything like this?


Our Morning Routine

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of bareMinerals. The opinions and text are all mine.


  1. food prep is so important! i am a ‘ the night before prepper’ as we have morning activities. lay out clothes, pacl bags, prep snacks.
    as lovely as your mornings with lexis sound – is her dad not eating with you guys or participating in activities?

  2. i only read your post about your divorce this morning. it is really one of your best posts. very honest and real. i love how you are putting lexi first and i hope you and andrew can remain friends. wishing you the best of luck for the future!!


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