Tried and True: Scotchi games

Tried And True: Scotchi Games

For over a year, I have been compiling and collecting products that I discover in the course of my work and personal research that are simply outstanding.

I know many readers enjoyed that aspect of my blog. A while ago I started Best for Baby category and then moved into Tried and True.

Who has time to look for new cool better things for yourself and your kids, right? I know I don’t anymore. But I’ve always been passionate about it.

So since my last Tried and True posts, I’ve been writing down things that I have bought or received that I am very impressed with, in hopes of compiling another one of those posts. But every time I look at the long list of products with corresponding pictures I need to take/find, it’s just too overwhelming. I don’t have time for that.

So a few days ago, I bit the bullet and said to myself: “Just get them out one by one! And then compile them into one post later if needed.” (I need to use this approach more in my life)

So here we go.


Tried And True: Scotchi Games

Really an ingenious concept for educational games for toddlers over age 1.

You have well designed and illustrated sturdy cardboard sets of matching, assembling, memory and educational games for toddlers spanning a multitude of topics from every day living to professions and animal world.

Each peace has a velcro on the back and gets attached to a velcro circle on the board.

Tried And True: Scotchi Games

We started with a simple village train that you assemble and then assign the right number of vegetables to each wagon.

As she got older  games like Supermarket where you have to collect groceries into your cart based on their category ( dairy, meats, veggies, etc) and Around the table (where you get to set the table for the whole family) became more appealing, yet challenging.

Tried And True: Scotchi Games

To me this is a physical version of many iPad games that Lexi plays with the added benefit of being real life tactile experience that she can do with me. She has been enjoying these games for over a year now and still pulls them out periodically at 3.5 asking to play together or playing by herself.

My first clock can easily be a tool to teach time and numbers in a fun non-intimidating way as early as 2 years of age.

Tried And True: Scotchi Games


My First Clock | Supermarket | Around the Table | Village Train | Girls Dress Up | People at Work  | In Our House


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