Lexi Twins in Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

So the plan was to have the girls wear these adorable and cool outfits to Disney and take lots of adorable and cool photos with them hugging and holding hands and looking adorable and cool with the Cinderella’s castle in the background.

Just like most everything in motherhood, then real life happened.

Real life means two crabby 2 year olds who either wanted a balloon or nothing to do with each other (hold hands…ha!) or out of the heat or to go ride rides.

Lesson learned, little ones, lesson learned.

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

So we scrapped the idea and decided to try again later. Do a Lexitwin photoshoot somewhere else. Do it after Alexa had some time to warm up to being around Lexi (opposite personalities mean that shy and quiet (in public) Alexa is often freaked out by extra-energetic in-your-face Lexi, which you can still see in some photos).

So we gave them some time to hang out and then went to take photos. It was like a miracle. These two couldn’t get enough of each other. We didn’t even have to “ASK” them to hold hands. Lexi launched into it and Alexa graciously accepted. There were hugs, lots of walking around together, mimicking each other’s actions and all around sweetness.

When these two get together and are in sync, it is impossible not to swoon and max out both your camera’s memory card and your iPhone roll. So we did just that.

Girls outfits are c/o:

All clothing is by Nununu Baby
Nununu Baby Hoodies
Nununu Baby Shorts
Nununu Baby Tee shirts
Mary Jane Shoes are by Umi Shoes (one of my new favorite brands- soooo comfy and some shoes are so wide for chubby feet.)
Sunglasses by Babiators

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload

Lexi Twins In Nununu Baby – Cuteness Overload



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