This is simply me raving about a company that I love.
I’ve gone through a few organic PJs companies for Lexi and all of them were… good. But it wasn’t until I came across Skylar Luna that I was completely sold and in love and felt absolutely no need to ever buy anything else except for maybe Christmas PJs. The only other real competitor that makes organic pjs is Hanna Anderson, but there is absolutely no comparison here. While I looooove Hanna Anderson patterns and colors and their holiday pjs, the level of comfort is just NOT there.
What makes Skylar Luna so special?
Their fabric and fit. It’s soooooo soft and so pleasant to touch. Lexi went through a period about a year ago where she refused to wear pjs. She hated how they tugged, rubbed and how tight they were. So we switched exclusively to Skylar Luna because it was the only pj type that she would tolerate and we never looked back. They are warm and “fuzzy” enough, yet aren’t too thick. The long sleeved are perfect for both cold and warm weather here in Florida.
Still to this day, if all our SL PJs are in the wash and we have to use something else, she squirms and complains at how uncomfortable the other PJs are. So we made sure to buy enough of them so that we never have to run out before laundry day
So now that I am done raving, check out her pajamas photos over the last 2 years!
awww..she loooks adorable in these..i wish the brand was there in India too…
Thank you so much for posting this article about pajamas. I have a serious soft spot for snuggly pajamas for my daughter. I hadn’t heard of this brand, so I will check them out.
You focus so much on organic clothes and food, do you ever worry about living on a golf course and having Lexi be exposed to all those chemicals that they spray the grass with? What do you do to combat exposure to those chemicals? Do you have any tips?
Not much can be don about the golf course. That’s where we live – it can’t be changed right now. I embrace things I cannot change.
We do so much otherwise, that it probably balances out.
We love Skylar Luna too. Great photo montage– shows how much she’s changed, grown up, what a doll!
Re: the golf course pesticides, “it balances out” is not quite how toxins work. I understand what you are saying- you can’t change where you live, and you can’t not go outside and play. But it doesn’t balance out like eating a donut/running 3 miles does.
I’m proud of the attention you put into some non-toxic clothing and toys for your daughter, but I would do a bit more research on golf course pesticides. Couldn’t hurt.
No, I know it doesn’t ACTUALLY balance out. Neither does eating a donut and exercising.
But we go the extra mile on everything else that I am not going to stress about something we can’t change right now.
i really love pjs from hatley!
Eek, I hate to be THAT reader (you know I love your blog) but your title says Skylar Lunar…
Anyway, glad to see you are blogging so much lately! I was missing your posts! I can’t believe how much Lexi has grown. I don’t have instagram so I wasn’t able to follow you when you were over there.
Ah! Thank you! That’s obviously a typo so you’re not being “that reader” :)))
I’m glad the frequency picked up too