Morning and Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

A while ago when Lexi was 1.5 years old, we decided that it was time to start biking as a family. Prior to that time, we weren’t so sure that Lexi would even sit in a bike seat, since getting her to sit in a stroller was pretty challenging as it is.

So after looking around for bike seats, I narrowed it down to one seat that I felt was absolutely perfect for Lexi, Yepp Mini. It was a front facing bike seat made of a softer material and had the potential of actually helping her enjoy the bike ride versus sitting in the back and not seeing much but our backs. It was sort of like using a carrier when she was little- she would absolutely refuse to be back carried or be rear-facing. It had to be front facing at all times. So pretty excited about the prospect of actually being able to go on bike rides with Lexi, we got the seat, installed it and took off for a first ride.

It was PERFECT! I cannot recommend the seat enough! Even though she hated any other mode of transportation, riding a bike was fun for her. She was facing the world and the wind and seeing the sights and it was fast and exciting. I really feel it was the seat that made a huge difference in how she perceives biking.

My bike is Townie by Electra Bike and I am pretty obsessed with it. Aside from colors that are my favorite colors ever, I adore the flat foot technology, which allows me to actually put my feet flat on the ground. I really hate having to ride hubby’s mountain bike because my feet barely get to touch the ground when standing.

So yeah, we now ride bikes. All the times. Sometimes twice a day. We ride bikes to a local school playground about 2-3 miles away, we ride around the golf course, we ride to nearby communities. I have to say I’ve never been crazy about biking but this is too much fun.

Now I am very excited about taking our bikes to local parks and riding there. It took me a while to find a rack that would fit three bikes (one for Lexi) on our SUV, but  now that we have one (it’s by Thule which is an AMAZING brand of active gear, including joggers and bike trailers), I am super excited to start.

Anyways, so here are some photos from a random evening bike trip and a morning trip to the playground. Enjoy!

Items of interest in this post:

Helmet by Nutcase Helmets (Little Nutty)
Front facing bike seat by Yepp Mini
Cruiser Bike by Electra
Super stylish glasses by Babiators
Silver and Purple Glitter shoes by See Kai Run

EVENING BIKING around the community

Morning And Evening Bike Rides Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides


We get to enjoy the views of orange groves as we ride to the playground and during the blooming season, the smell is unbelievable. It reminds of riding Soarin’ at Epcot every time we pass by (Those who have been on that ride will know what I am talking about)

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides 

Morning And Evening Bike Rides


Here are a few pictures of Andrew riding the bike with the Yupp seat in the front. Lexi is about 18-20 months old I believe and was 35 inches at least. Andrew is 6’4″. Just to give an idea of how the seat fits.

Morning And Evening Bike Rides  Morning And Evening Bike Rides

Morning And Evening Bike Rides


  1. *sigh* This whole post makes me sooo jealous!! I can’t actually ride a bike that well since I’m full-on deaf in one ear (long story – but it’s a neural issue) and need to rely a lot on my vision to help me balance. Suffice to say I haven’t been on a bike in decades and wouldn’t dare ride with DD on board! Lexi looks like she is having such a great time, and I love that this exercise and family time is part of your daily routine. Evenings, especially, are such a magical time of day to be outside playing (we do the playground with a ball or some bubbles).

  2. oh funny, i want to see you and andrew on the bike together! maybe you in lexi’s seat? ;))

    you guys really do the most unique things as a family! bubbles, bikes – next a bonfire?

      • How fun! We live in a huge bicycling community here in Portland and the family bike rides are awesome. Since Lexi is already 2, have you considered just having her on her own bicycle? A lot of the young children here ride between their parents (one parent in front and behind) and it’s pretty amazing how good they are considering they are so young! Now I’m getting excited myself for my own kiddo. 😉

  3. Love this post! I especially love your bike; I’ve been looking for one for years, and the Electra looks perfect. I have a daughter who is VERY similar to Lexi (she just turned 1, and she hates being restrained, doesn’t sleep through the night, wants to constantly be observing and exploring, etc). I have no doubt she will love bike riding! 🙂

  4. i have actually looked at this brand for bike seats for kids, saw them at a trade show and liked them. i have asked around and pretty much all moms i know prefer to have the seat in the back for stability and weight distribution.
    i see that yepp also has a windshiel for the front seats which i think is a good idea. we would bike around the city and there is always dust etc flying around.

    what made you decide to go with the seat in front?
    in regards to the weight limit, you can probably keep using it for a while. my daughter is lexi’s age and has been the same weight (28/29 pounds) since she was 18 months… so reaching 35 could take a while. yepp also doesnt seem to make a bigger seat for the front. at least they r not promoting it up here.

  5. we also have the 3/1 and my daughter had found it hard to pedal. I had her switch for a few minutes with the neighbor’s trike and she was able to do theirs so we got her a regulur bike with training wheels. I went back to read the reviews on the 3/1 and found that others had also complained that it was hard to pedal

  6. Hey! Can you possibly tell me who makes the helmet she is wearing? After much research I decided on a Wishbone Bike for my son (it is a balance bike that converts a few different ways which is great for longevity) If you haven’t seen them you should check them out! I think they may interest you! Thanks in advance!


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