Winter Holidays in Photo Review: Tree Picking

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking

This year was the first tree picking outing with Lexi. It was kind of fun to see her reaction to seeing Christmas tree. But a few minutes later she was over it and wanted to run around and climb onto tractors 🙂

So this is just some photos to remember the occasion by. 🙂

{Wearing: Biscotti and Kate Mack dress and See Kai Run sneaks.}

Also, this is on a separate note, I want to bring back my photography blog and start posting single photos that I love most there. Kind of like a 365 photo project from random events. I would never be able to share everything here and this way I still could put one photo a day that I love and want to share and keep for posterity.

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking

Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking Winter Holidays In Photo Review: Tree Picking


  1. I was so thrilled to see The Art of Making a Baby back on top on TBB! I was there last go-’round and now am lingering in the 40’s, but it sure was fun while it lasted 🙂 Anyway I always enjoyed reading your Blog before, we were pregnant at the same time and I liked to think I looked as beautiful as you (that’ just not true but it was fun living vicariously). Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl 🙂 -Crista

  2. I love her outfit, so pretty! I would love a photography blog restart, especially if you included more tips on your pictures? For the in front of the tree pics, did you use an external flash? I am still trying to learn my way around my camera. 😛

    • Oh how I wish i could find time to actually do that. I am starting small- just posting some photos 🙂

      But Daily Mom just got a photography category and we will be posting tips, so follow there for sure 🙂

      In front of the tree- no flash just great light source, proper exposure on manual and good editing 🙂


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