Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday


Tomorrow Lexi is turning two!

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

It doesn’t sink in. Nor does it seem strange. It doesn’t seem normal. I didn’t go by fast, nor did it go by slow.

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

It feels right.

I’ve always said that I like seeing her grow, because she becomes more able, which in turns brings her more joy.

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

So that’s how I feel. I feel like celebrating along with her. Celebrating all the new accomplishments, celebrate growing up.

I haven’t written much about Lexi and her personality, or her quirks or our joys or our struggles, due to lack of time and lack of words, because there is just soooo much. I plan on correcting it in the coming months. I have a lots of thoughts that are so hard to put on paper, especially when that time is limited to naps and tired evenings.

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

But if I had to say something about this last year is that it keeps getting better! It is amazing to see her grow into this kid, see her responses, her reactions, her excitement about things and people she loves, her intense emotions, her smile (Oh my god, her smile has evolved into something unreally adorable).

I am looking forward to writing more about the person she is becoming and attempting to show it through photos and videos.

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

Tomorrow we are holding her 2nd birthday party! This time it will be even more special because she can understand what is going on. She’s been talking about balloons and cake and birthday party hats for weeks now.

We are doing a dual Lexitwin party with her best friend Alexa and we are all so excited about it.

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

We’ve hired an entertainer, my best friend came all the way from Ohio to photograph it, we have the most perfect matching outfits for the girls courtesy of Kate Mack and so much more. Eeeeek! I am excited just thinking about it!

Below are some of the photos I took in their pre-birthday outfits- they are so cute together 🙂 It’s just now that they are starting to understand the meaning of friendship.

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

Lexi’s 2nd BirthdayLexi’s 2nd Birthday

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday Lexi’s 2nd Birthday

So look forward to the birthday posts with every little detail in the coming month!

Lexi’s 2nd Birthday Lexi’s 2nd Birthday Lexi’s 2nd Birthday



  1. Feliz cumpleaños Lexi! It’s a bit surreal that she is now two!!! Can’t wait to read all about the birthday celebrations! Love the outfits, want one for myself!!! X

  2. Very exciting! And thank you for the email updates! Quick comment: the dresses are a little short. I get the “short dress” baby style, but…cheekage?

    Happy birthday, Alexis!

  3. Wow two already! She looks like she has such a sweet personality coming through in those photos!

    I always thought I would be that mom that mourns the passing of her childrens babyhood, and while those days were priceless and I will ALWAYS cherish the memories, seeing my boys grow has been amazing. My oldest is four now, and wow, four is so fun. It is just such a privilege to be there to see it all!

    I hope the Lexi-twin party is wonderful – they look adorable!

  4. Oh, happy happy birthday, dear little Lexi! It’s funny how I know more about her than of some of my real girlfriend’s babies :))) Thank you for your blog, Elena, and for letting us into Lexi’s life 🙂

    The “twins” are the cuteness itself!

  5. Hi Elena! I can’t wait for pictures/stories from their party! Are you still thinking about posting details from the actual b-day party?


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