I am Alive… I promise!

I Am Alive… I Promise!

I know I’ve been a shitty blogger lately (isn’t that how every blogger’s post starts when they are struggling to keep up the writing? haha) . I have lots of excuses, none of which I care to talk about, because it’s just that -excuses. No time, other priorities, bla bla bla…. I’ve been busy living and working and enjoying what seems to be the most amazing age – The Wonderful Twos, the age that I’ve been waiting for since before we decided to have a baby (I’ve always been a fan of two year olds – they are so cute and funny – it hurts).

I Am Alive… I Promise!

So I’ve returned to promise that I have not disappeared for good, that this blog will most definitely continue and that in the new year I have many fun posts scheduled. In this time of sporadic, obligatory blogging I have grown a lot. I’ve become a better writer, a better picture taker, better mother – a better person all together. So many lessons learned in these few months. I love what I do and where my life is at- as incredibly busy as it is. I honestly thought things couldn’t get crazier and they did. This Christmas season killed me. Literally murdered me. With the planning of our own Christmas so that my 2 year old would be able to experience, travelling every week and organizing Christmas guides and posts on Daily Mom, as well as running day to day operations at home and taking care of a 2 year old ( i.e carting her to all the activities and having enough energy to be the fun patient loving mom in between), it pretty much left me gasping for air and longing for a nap.

I Am Alive… I Promise!

But now the Christmas rush is over and I couldn’t be happier with what I have accomplished and learned despite the lack of time. So…. I am grossly behind on journaling what’s been going on and posting photos. I am grossly behind on editing, exporting those photos. I’m grossly behind on everything pertaining to the Art of Making a Baby. Three things I’d like to catch up on this blog:

-posting recent events and photography

– posting useful posts

-posting toddler/life/musings posts

I’m still planning on getting ALL THESE POSTS out. Plus some more.

So you can totally BOO me off stage right now for making, what it seems like, empty promises again, I don’t care. 🙂 I love writing here for myself and I will do my hardest to continue writing here. I promise.

I Am Alive… I Promise!


  1. Hi Elena, it’s nice to know that you’re ok (except that you look so tired on one picture). I’m having a 18 months old girl and I know what you’re talking about being so busy. I suspected that you are preocupated with Christmas planning and Lexi’s birthday party planning, and it’s so nice to know that you haven’t forgot your faithful readers. I’m looking forward to those photo posts that you announced, because I’ve learned so much from you about photography. Have a lovely and relaxing holidays, wish you all the best.

  2. You poor thing, your look and sound exhausted. 🙁 I have some unsolicited advice, and this is going to sound completely crazy – but the one thing that made me feel less frazzled and busy after having my first child was to have another one! I feel like being pregnant and having a new baby sort of forces you to slow down, ‘clean house’ and become more focused on the most important things and toss out the rest. I know I can’t speak for everyone but I feel so much freer and energetic now that I have two!

  3. I agree, Julie. Having two has made life sooo much easier. They entertain each other which gives me a chance to do things around the house when I need to. They have so much fun together.


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