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One of the very first things a person learns about jogging strollers when researching them is that not all three-wheel all-terrain strollers can be called a jogging stroller. In fact, many all-terrain strollers used for jogging by many people specifically state that they are not joggers and should not be used for jogging. There is only a handful of companies that make ACTUAL jogging strollers and Baby Jogger is one of them.
Like the world’s most exotic sports cars, Baby Jogger products are manufactured in a staged assembly process. During each step, the frame is locked into place so each product is constructed with unmatched precision and within the tightest tolerances in the industry.
It’s true! When you look at the quality and design of the Summit XC stroller, it is clear that the thing is built to last. Just the size of the 16″ pneumatic air filled back tires are enough to impress any runner.
Baby Jogger has 8 stroller models if you don’t count double strollers. Three of the all terrain strollers come in a double option. Three of the 8 are jogging strollers. Each one has its own features that make it unique and fits all kinds of situations. You can see an awesome feature comparison in this Baby Jogger supplied pdf.
We have Baby Jogger Summit XC. It’s a full featured jogger, meant for light jogging and all kinds of terrain.
Now, I am not a hardcore runner. I love the idea of running, but I am just not built for long distance running. I want to quit 5 minutes into it. My husband, however, has always been a runner. It took us a while to get to the point where we felt we could take the time to run after Alexis was born. It is not recommended to have a newborn in a jogging stroller until they are 6 months old. However, Summit XC does feature a full recline to accommodate an infant, in those cases where you want to take the stroller for a walk rather than a jog.
Why would you use a jogging stroller as an every day stroller? In the case of the Summit XC, not only you can, but you probably should.
All Baby Jogger strollers feature a {WAIT FOR IT!} one hand quick fold. It blew my mind the first time I saw it and I couldn’t believe it was right. You grab the strap in the middle and the stroller folds. Bam! That feature deserves for it to be used every day. Seriously.
Yes, it is a jogger but it takes a car seat AND a pram.
Are you tall and most joggers and strollers handlebars are way too short for you? This one is PERFECT! At 5’11 it is the perfect height for me.
A few more things that were a big deal for us, living in hot Florida:
- mesh recline and weather cover for extra air flow
- side ventilation panels
- an ENORMOUS sun panel that positions in 3 different ways.
Another thing I appreciate about it, though can’t exactly use is how the seat almost cradles the baby in a way that is very conducive to sleep. Alexis has never been able to fall asleep in a stroller, but for the million babies who slumber contently while their moms run, this is is awesome. It almost feels like the fabric of the seat is suspended off the stroller rather than sits in a frame. If it’s true, then it’s probably done to reduce the shock on the passenger.
My husband is the one who uses it most and when I told him I am writing this review, he said in passing “Make sure you write a good one, I love that stroller!” Yes, sir!
We don’t have hills here, but there is a strap attached to the bottom of the Summit XC that goes around your wrist so that you could run hands free. There is a hand break and a parking break, which makes it for one very safe stroller. It is not meant for rollerblading ( I don’t know of a stroller that is), however if you were to go rollerblading with a stroller, having one that has a hand break is pretty crucial.
I have looked at other true jogging strollers and the construction quality, in my opinion, is far below the Summit XC on most of them. So I guess what I am trying to say is this:
I know Baby Jogger is not as mainstream and popular as the quintessential BOB Revolution strollers, but if you’re on the market for a jogger that will blow your mind, I would strongly advise you look at what Baby Jogger Summit XC and other strollers they have to offer.
Note: Accessories that can be bought separately:
- car seat adaptor
- rain canopy made of phthalate free material
- bassinet
- belly bar and console
- child tray
- glider board
- carry bag
Going forward into 2013, Baby Jogger is releasing an updated model of the Summit stroller- SUMMIT X3.
If you’re looking for a double stroller, it’s worth checking out Baby Jogger’s City Mini, City Mini GT and City Mini Select.
Disclosure: We received this stroller for review. All opinions are own.
I’m not usually one to comment, or nitpick, for that matter, but it looks like you don’t have the front wheel locked in place. I realize you are probably just staging the running for your photos, but it is really essential to have the front wheel in the fixed position. When it is in the swivel position, it makes the jogger unstable should you hit any bump at “high” speed, and the stroller can tip or flip. You might want to make that clear in your post. I’m a B.o.B user, so I could be wrong, but it the front wheel should turn out and lock in place. Many happy hours running with Lexi!
It’s locked in the running photos. Anyone buying this or any other stroller would read the manual and know to lock the wheel when running.
And thank you for your wishes! I hope to get the time in the near future to take up running more seriously!
We have the baby jogger city mini…I purposely got it because I am NOT a runner, but love to walk as my preferred form of cardio. I LOVE the city mini! For anyone who is considering it,I highly recommend it! The one hand fold and giant sunshade can’t be beat!
I love our Baby Jogger. I am not a runner, but we camp and we needed something easy to push on gravel. I LOVE the one handed closure. So many strollers claim to have that option, but this one actually does. Also because the wheel pivots is much easier to use in stores, malls, or other crowded areas.
Yay!!! Running!!!
We have this stroller in the double version, and while we LOVE it for walking, it sucks for running. I am a short distance runner (4-7 miles) and it is torture to our Summit. It is so heavy (almost 100lbs with my 2 year olds in it) and the handle bar gets so sticky when you’re sweaty.
I’d recommend a specific baby jogger running stroller, not one of their all-terrains if you run!
Summit IS a jogger though if you look at their line up. I was wondering how it does in a double, too!
We have several of their strollers (City Mini Single, City Elite with 2nd seat, and the Summit double) so I really like their products. There just has to be an easier way to run with both kids! I’ve seen people with other more streamlined Baby Joggers that looked like performance strollers (I dont know which model) and I covet them.
Pushing 100lbs just doesn’t bode well for running form, and I find that I get really sore hamstrings and forearms after.
As a trail or walking stroller, it rocks. I just can’t see how anyone can run consistently with it.
You’re probably talking about their FIT model which looks hardcore ( at least to me) and I think it’s even cheaper. I am not sure if it comes in a double though. I honestly can’t imagine running with two kids, I’d probably just give up and go do the treadmill (lol)
I’m a distance runner and I’ve really enjoyed the Valco Tri-Mode.
Before she was old enough to jog with, I was able to use it as our main stroller. It’s the only stroller I’ve ever used/owned and my daughter’s 7 months. Also, it has all the same accessories.
I didn’t notice if you mentioned the weight of the stroller (which is important for hardcore runners.. ).
It’s 24 pounds, which is on par with other joggers, am I right?
It’s not bad, but the jogger I have right now is 12lbs.
A lot of the joggers have hollow titanium (?) frames to make them durable and light. It makes a difference if you’re doing 10k or more at a time.
I can definitely see that!
Looks nice. I’ve been pretty happy with our BOB. It has many of the same features. We have the Revoluation SE in orange. Have you tried the BOB? Just wondering how you thought it compared. I will need to buy a double in a few years (hopefully) and wonder if I should switch brands. I run about 30 miles/week, half with the baby.
I have no tried the BOB! I see it everywhere though. I might eventually work on a review for one just to compare.
Hey Elena, just so you know the strap isn’t for running hands free. It’s in case by accident you let go of the stroller and you are on a hill it won’t roll away from you. It’s just a safety feature.
My stroller has it to and at all times we use it even if we aren’t on hills.
Cool stroller though, I have a cheap jogging one and love running so I’m looking at a BOB.
That makes sense! Though I can’t imagine a situation where a stroller would roll away from you when you’re holding onto it. But then again we don’t have hills
You could trip and fall. Unlikely, but could still happen. If you were to accidentally fall, you wouldn’t want to pull the handle down with you because the baby/toddler/child in the stroller could crack his or her head open. That’s why the strap is attached to the bottom of the stroller. Or you wouldn’t want the stroller to roll out into the street.
“That’s why the strap is attached to the bottom of the stroller.”
Well haha I don’t think anyone means to let go of a stroller with their kid in it. If you trip or something you can let go of it and obviously if you are going downhill that is extremely dangerous and deadly. I have heard that some runners push the stroller out in front of them so they can pump their arms and catch up to it and that’s what that leash can also help (again a safety feature). But I always just use mine and securely hold the stroller.
Can I have one of your stroller ors baby carriers???? Haha wouldn’t that be nice
Lexie is super cute walking too, it’s amazing how much babies grow in a year. Theo’s birthday is less than 2 weeks and I’m already getting teary
That’s what I meant by hands free jogging. Not like truly hands free, but you push and pump, push and pump. I don’t think it’s possible to really run hands free is it?
(well I only have two really) Lexi WILL NOT GO in anything right now ( hope it passes)
And yes you can definitely have one of my carriers
Thanks for the recommendation. I’m a runner and when it comes time for a baby to join our family (hopefully soon) I’ll be checking this brand out!
Definitely do! It’s good to check out a few brands before you buy
Good Luck TTCing when you do!
I love this stroller. We have several of the BJ strollers and their folding feature cannot be beat. To the person inquiring about the Bob, the Bob is comparable to this one, but it is a royal PITA to store, IMO. We tried it while searching for the perfect jogger and this one fold strap to break down beats out the Bob, IMO.
The BJ also has a lot more padding and is more cozy than the BOB (IMO).
BTW, Lexi is adorable.
I am a serious runner and have had a Baby Jogger Performance Series for five years (since my older son was four months old). I tell all runners who ask how wonderful it is. Three 20″ wheels (bigger wheels=less work to push it) with a fixed front wheel. It doesn’t have the one handed fold like the other models, but I basically only use it for running, so it stays parked in the garage between runs. So glad you’re enjoying your model.
Did you use the car seat adapter at all? I used the baby jogger city series with my first child and they did not have the adapter then, any thoughts on it?
No, I didn’t have Lexi in it until she was old enough to ride in the actual stroller, so sorry I can’t comment on it
I think the thing that I find best is how easy it is to fold. Really useful when you need to get in the car in a hurry.
Really nice photos of this stroller – the best stroller I have tried. It is great for walks in the middle of forest too. My three year old has enough room in it, but 7 months old looks tiny inside.
Hi, great review but wanted to know if you have tried the new X3 model yet? I’m between the summit and the revolution and it’s been tough to make a decision. I know that a big WIN for the summit is the side vent because I too live in Florida (Miami) and my son gets really sweaty easily.
You mean the new summit that’s coming out in summer? No not yet.
great pics and review! Looking forward to that stroller.
Very nice’s quite helpful for jogging with stroller.thanks for the article.
That’s a great jogging stroller there, it’s a blast. I just can relate to the one hand quick fold, I’m amazed too when I first knew about it.
Great review! And btw, Alexis is so cute!
Absolutely love Baby Jogger products! I have the Summit X3 jogging stroller and it is definitely one of the best jogging strollers out there!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Baby Jogger stroller!