Our Birthday Celebrations

Our Birthday Celebrations

I will keep this post short but full of pictures, because I would like to be able to look back and see what we did for our birthdays the year Alexis was born.

We are both August babies, Leos, so we celebrate our birthdays the same month which has always been pretty awesome. I had big plans originally. I was going to throw a huge party but what I failed to realize is that everyone who would normally be at that party would be gone for the summer ( the sucky part of having a summer birthday), including the location where I was going to throw that party in. Oopsie!

And out of the people that did stay in the area for the summer, a family of 4 caught a stomach virus, one had a Galapagos trip and another a business trip to NYC and so on and so forth. So basically out of  35 people who originally planned, only a handful were actually in town at that point. Story of my life. No biggie, though. Like one of the friends who couldn’t be there pointed out “Every day is your birthday, Elena!

Our Birthday Celebrations

Our Birthday Celebrations

Our Birthday Celebrations

So we had a nice chill dinner, rented a beachside suite to hang out at apres-dinner (because that’s the only way to do it with an infant who needs to sleep) and then Andrew was sweet enough to stay with Lexi while she slept while the girls and I ( and Scott) had a fun midnight swim in the ocean. We couldn’t stop giggling because we were terrified of sharks this late at night, so we kept sitting in the ankle deep dark water and scaring the crap out of each other. And also taking ridiculous pictures, because that’s what we do. We spent the night at the hotel and met up with some of the friends the next morning to continue beaching. This was the first actual ocean swim for Lexi and she loved it. ( Pictures to come. I didn’t want to jam a million photos in one post)

Our Birthday Celebrations

Andrew’s Birthday

For Andrew’s birthday, a different set of people was in town, so since he couldn’t decide what he wanted to do, I basically just went ahead and arranged for a fun boat trip that day, a dinner afterwards and the same beachside suite, because we loved it so much last time. There were no midnight swim, but plenty midnight talks about random things like dildos and whatnot. The next morning we, again, had fun at the beach, and headed home. Low key and relaxing.

Our Birthday Celebrations

Our Birthday Celebrations

Our Birthday Celebrations

Our Birthday Celebrations

Our Birthday Celebrations

Our Birthday Celebrations


  1. Happy Birthday to you both!…Question : Do you guys give eachother B-day presents? …. or was the gift the dinner/hotel? , my husband is like a kid and wants both lol 🙂

    • A few years ago we sort of stopped buying each other Bday presents and starting just planning something fun together (not FOR each other). The reason for that was that we already had everything we wanted and anything we didn’t have cost so much money that no one person has the authority to spend on their own without discussing it with the other. So we started doing things that just going away somewhere for bdays. We discuss it and decide it together. If one of us bumps into something perfect that doesn’t cost over 200-300 dollars around our bdays, we buy it as a gift, just for fun. Once in a while we surprise each other with trips somewhere. But now that Lexi is here, that’s probably going to stop 🙂

      So basically, we decide what’s happening and what we are buying together.

  2. You have written several posts about staying at beachside resorts- I am looking to stay somewhere in SW Florida for a vacation – do you have resorts/hotels you can recommend? Looks like fabulous celebrations all around!

      • Well, family friendly is a must, we have 4 and 8 year old boys who love to swim. We are flying into Orlando in early November and doing a week at Disney and then the plan is to drive to a beach resort for 4 nights and flying out of Ft. Myers. I would say under $300/night if possible (so Ritz Carlton Naples is out, though I have had several ppl recommend it!). We were originally going to he Marriot on MarcoIsland, but someone I know thought it was too old of a crowd and not a family destination?

        • Go for Naples Grande then ( It’s Waldorf Astoria now). It’s really nice ( though haven’t been in the rooms), rates are good. There’s also Edgewater by Waldorf (which is where we stayed), the rooms are meh but it’s beachside which is nice. Also reasonably priced, though depends on the day or season.

  3. Happy birthday to both of you! You don’t get older, it’s just your kid grows :))

    And, I also stick my belly out to “sit” my son on it 🙂 Not helping to get my pre-pregnancy body back! (btw the Fitness post :P)


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