“Mommy and Me” Photoshoot and Boob Design Maternity/Nursing giveaway

“mommy And Me” Photoshoot And Boob Design Maternity/nursing Giveaway


If I thought it was hard to take pictures when I was pregnant ( you know the whole “gather up the energy, put make up on, wash my hair, possibly style my hair, put clothes on, go somewhere pretty to take pictures), well it is twice as hard trying to get a good picture with Alexis in tow. I still have to do all the preparations listed below, all while she’s hopefully sleeping, then pray for good mood on Alexis’ part, so that all the pictures didn’t look like this

And even when she’s in a good mood, how on earth do you get a 2 months old to pose? You don’t! So you take a million shots hoping that at least in ONE of them she’s going to look decent in and you don’t have a closed eye or busy shushing her. It’s even harder with Alexis because she tends to make all kinds of faces that might look cute in real life, but definitely don’t when they’re frozen on a photograph.

So nowadays, I have to be content with 1 photo out of about 100 that looks good. And after yesterday’s Mommy and Me shoot, this is The Photo:

“mommy And Me” Photoshoot And Boob Design Maternity/nursing Giveaway

I think the result is decent considering yesterday was a fussy day!

We’re both wearing a Mommy and Me set from Boob Design, my absolutely favorite item in their store. If you’ve been reading my blog since I was pregnant, you’re aware of my undying love to this brand. I think they have the cutest maternity  clothes and absolutely THE BEST nursing wear on the market. They just opened their US store which makes it impossible for any pregnant or nursing woman to resist buying something. I wasn’t planning on running another Boob giveaway, but after numerous requests from readers, I finally have it ready. So enjoy! It’s open internationally and anyone who’s pregnant or nursing or planning on becoming pregnant or has a baby can enjoy Boob Design clothing. I also have a DISCOUNT CODE if you plan on purchasing something. It’s 20%OFF any purchase except for Outlet and it’s valid till April 12th. Use BOOBDESIGN-APRIL-20% code to get the discount.

Some of the other Boob items that I have:

“mommy And Me” Photoshoot And Boob Design Maternity/nursing Giveaway


So for those who aren’t familiar with Boob Design ( and note: this is not a review, I just love them this much), their nursing dresses, tees and tanks have a special pocket that opens up without exposing your belly so you can breastfeed in public without the darn cover-up. They are definitely my prefered online retailer of nursing clothes. I’ve nursed in Boob tees in public and it’s a breeze!

It’s funny that I had to nurse Lexi during the shoot, but it looks damn good, doesn’t it? You open the top pocket and latch the baby on- VOILA! No boob hanging out 🙂 Most items are made out of organic cotton or  lyocell and are very nice to touch and are very stretchy ( which is a key to baby onesies, because Alexis has developed hatred of clothes going over her head, so I have to stretch the neck to make sure it doesn’t touch her face as I put it on)

“mommy And Me” Photoshoot And Boob Design Maternity/nursing Giveaway

So here are a few other photos taken that I am somewhat ( but not fully) happy with.

“mommy And Me” Photoshoot And Boob Design Maternity/nursing Giveaway

This was taken after the shoot, while I was putting Alexis to sleep in the stroller (more on that later)

“mommy And Me” Photoshoot And Boob Design Maternity/nursing Giveaway

BUY IT:  Use BOOBDESIGN-APRIL-20% code to get a 20% off discount until April 12th.


So now, due to popular demand, I present to you a Boob Design giveaway.
There will be 3 winners of $150 credit to Boob Design Store each. The contest is open internationally and there’s a new entry that can be entered in once a day.

“mommy And Me” Photoshoot And Boob Design Maternity/nursing Giveaway

and Mandatory Entries: {read carefully}

There are two mandatory entries, after which you will have additional entries available,
and 2 daily entries for which you can come back to enter daily.
The winning entry will be verified and the winner disqualified if the action is not found or if the mandatory items are not fullfilled.
Make sure to notate how you’re following the blog in the extra info field (entry #1). The entry won’t count if that information is missing.
Please make sure to visit Boob Design facebook page and write on their wall what you’d buy if you won.
The giveaway is open to INTERNATIONALLY. See the rafflecopter widget for additional terms and conditions.

UPDATE: You can now log into the Rafflecopter through Facebook or just by using your name/email.

If you have a blog, there’re 2 entries each worth 10 points ( post our button on your blog’s sidebar and blog about the giveaway)

{If you’re not sure how to use to enter, feel free to watch this video tutorial or email me at contact {at} prebabyblog {dot} com
Otherwise, make sure to read everything carefully. Click the DO IT link first, then I’VE DONE IT once the action is completed}

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is NOT a review.

“mommy And Me” Photoshoot And Boob Design Maternity/nursing Giveaway


  1. I actually have a photography question (though I do love the Boob Design clothes!). Are you using a remote when you take your photos? If so, WHERE is it! LOL! Your selfie shots are always so beautiful. I’ve been trying to do more self-portraits (still very new at it), but I have no idea how to keep the remote out of view! I would love any tips you can give me! Thanks, and love both of your blogs! 🙂

    • I am DEFINITELY NOT using a remote in this picture! I cannot fathom trying to position a baby, keep her happy and do self-portraits. For difficult situations like that I ask hubby to help.

      Otherwise, the remote is pretty small and is easily hidden in my palm. Like the chirstmas shots were done as a self-portrait and in some you can see a bit of black behind my fingers if I didn’t pay attention to hiding it. Check out Selfie saturdays on my photoblog (selfiemagic.com). I don’t remember if I blogged about hiding a remote, but the whole series is about self-portraits.

  2. Okay, this was some of the most helpful baby advice we received: put the onesies on feet first. So put her feet in through the neckhole and then pull it up, don’t pull it over her head. We did it this way for the first few months. Now our son thinks that onesies over his face are hilarious, and he laughs and laughs everytime we dress and undress him. But he hated it at first, and the feet-first trick was super helpful.

    • Thank you for another giveaway! I loooove the sailor dress 🙂
      Seems like today is a non-post related questions day 😀 Is the stroller on the picture a BB Bee? You don’t use a bassinet for a 2month? I thought you’re supposed to use bassinet only until the baby is sitting (but might be another cultural thing like the head lifting and wraps 😉 )

  3. Great pics! And I feel your pain. We have twins, so trying to get two babies and myself dressed and looking decent in one pic … darn near impossible! (And now that they’re 3 it’s even harder!) The Boob Design tops are genius. 🙂

  4. Elena, beautiful pics! And I love the t-shirt. Just wanted to ask…what kind of stoller do you have there? It looks awesome!


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