Photo Share Tuesday: Mom is here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

So finally the day that I didn’t think would ever come is here. My mom has safely arrived from Russia, having endured a 48 hour trip: an overnight train ride, a 10 hour flight and 2 connections in the US. In the past few days we’ve been enjoying her cooking and her presence! It’s nice to have her around and it seems like it’s always been that way.

She’s very funny when it comes to my belly moving and me telling her what Alexis is doing there. I guess back when she was pregnant in Russia, there were no ultrasounds, they didn’t know the sex of the baby or much about the development of the baby, so it was just something that was happening TO them, rather than a human life growing. She’s a bit freaked out about labor, I can see that every time I mention it. There is no way she’d want to be in the delivery room and no way I’d want her there, because I’d be concerned with how SHE’S handling it rather than concentrate on relaxation techniques.

She’ll be here until end of May. I’m really excited that she’ll get to be with Alexis as a baby and not just a newborn, she’ll get to bond with her and speak Russian to her. It’s also HUGE help for me to practice my Russian so that I can speak it more fluently when Alexis arrives.

So without further edo, here are the first shots of my mom and I, first and probably last ones with my pregnant belly. I am also working on taking some of the last shots of the nursery. It won’t be 100% complete when Alexis comes, since I am still not sure what to put on certain shelves and in certain drawers, but it’ll be close to the final state.

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

Photo Share Tuesday: Mom Is Here

A s far as labor signs, I don’t really have any. I feel great, I am resting a lot until week 39 when I am going to start walking a lot and I always get contractions while walking. And otherwise, we’re just waiting for Alexis to decide she’s ready. The hospital bags are as packed as they can be right now (will do a post on that), the birth plan is signed, the car seat is installed, my mom is here- we are ALL READY!


  1. Hooray! I’m so happy your mom will be with you for so long and that you have a great relationship. Best of luck in the coming weeks!

  2. Great Pictures! So nice to have Mom around. My mom is only 1500 miles away but each time she came and spent time with me at the ends of my pregnancies and it gives you such a calming, relaxed feeling knowing she is there.

  3. awe you guys are too cute! I think this is the hardest part- waiting. You’re at the end and you know it’s soon, just not sure when exactly. I’ll be looking for the post on when Alexis is here 🙂

  4. yay for your mom being there! how exciting, it’s so nice to have mamas around once baby arrives! my mom is on the other side of the world as well and JUST decided she’s coming out here when baby is born and I couldn’t be more excited!

  5. I’m so excited for you! You’re so lucky to have your mother there to help you, also. When Alexis finally comes, don’t worry about anything but basking in the love all around you. <3

  6. You and your mom look SO similar!! She’s just as beautiful as you. 🙂 praying for a quick and painless labor, and a sweet, healthy baby girl in the near future. Take care!
    — Kelly from {kelly going rogue.}

  7. I came back to my home town and have been living with my mom until I have my son.. It’s nice to be around family (my husbands parents live 5 mins away)

    Just wondering if your mom speaks english at all??

  8. I DO NOT believe you weigh 174! You look awesome, and I’m so glad your mother can take part in this beautiful adventure you are on! Wishing you a good labor and peaceful recovery. 🙂

  9. Yay! I was thinking about you and Alexis on my way to work this morning. Super excited for you! Please, say Hi to your Mom. And I am waiting anxiously for the little wonder to be here.



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