Christmas Photos


This was our first year sending out Christmas cards. It was somehow not important before we had a kid on the way. Now that Alexis is in the picture, we both suddenly felt the need to reach out to friends and family on Christmas. Getting around to taking Christmas photos wasn’t as easy as deciding that we needed to send cards. Finally, when we couldn’t wait any longer, we quickly got dressed, put make up on for the first time in weeks (me) and as the sun was setting and we were loosing most of our light took off to the one place we were almost sure would be decorated at this point.

Both crabby, without any desire to pose, with business calls coming in constantly, we somehow pulled it off.

Note: All the shots were taken and edited by me, using a tripod, a remote, 50mm and Lightroom (even though I tend to be pretty good at hiding the remote, you might be able to spot it in my hand in some of these)

At this point everyone, even my oversees friends, has already received the cards, so I feel I’m not spoiling the surprise for anyone by posting these. {Patti, yes, you know who you are, I have sent you TWO cards and each time they keep coming back with “wrong address” stamp on it. I now give up! But please know that we did send it and we think of you and Bernie often}

Red dress is from Isabella Oliver Maternity Collection

Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

Christmas Photos

and what is a shoot without some outtakes.

Christmas Photos


  1. These are so gorgeous! The scenery is so very different from our Christmas cards in MT lol! Love them, you are a beautiful family!

  2. Beautiful pics!

    Just wanting to let you know that I am now gonna record my journey for prepping for conception, and you have been an AMAZING role model to follow. This will be our second and last child so I want to do it RIGHT! I will definitely be linking many posts back to you, using your quotes, etc. Thank you so much for being an inspiration for me regarding this stage of life 🙂 I would love for you to guest post in the future if possible and share your knowledge and best tips related to this process.

    Thanks again for sharing this knowledge!

  3. It can happen without being changed in LR; cameras (esp Canon, not sure what you use ) done always be handle lots of love red well. Might need to play with saturation and luminance .

  4. hi i love your website, im 12 weeks pregnant and i want to buy a professional camera but i have no idea what to buy… so my question is what kind of camera do you use ??? i love the amazing colors your photos have …

    thank you =)

    • Hey, girl! Congrats on your pregnancy.
      The camera I use isn’t really what’s delivering the colors you’re seeing, it’s just a part of it. I’m my opinion the 3 most important things are your lens, your skill with shooting on manual and finally post processing (the biggest part). I shot this with 5d mark II and a 50mm, edit with Lightroom. I wish I had the time to show you the imagine before processing I did but it’s a huge difference. So I’d say get a decent DSLR, pick up a 50mm or a better lens, buy a good editing software and then practice practice practice and learn!
      Good luck!


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