Bella Materna Pregnancy and Nursing Lingerie – Pregnant with Style

Bella Materna Pregnancy And Nursing Lingerie  – Pregnant With Style

 Week 4 of Pregnant with Style project!

Bella Materna Pregnancy And Nursing Lingerie  – Pregnant With Style

This week it’s all about staying sexy during pregnancy and breastfeeding without sacrificing comfort or function.

Let me introduce you to a mom-owned lingerie company called Bella Materna. They make very high quality nursing and pregnancy bras as well as loungewear and nightwear.

After about the 1st month of pregnancy, it was clear that none of my bras were going to fit comfortably. Aside from the cup being too small or too uncomfortable, it seemed like my chest size grew too. So pregnancy bras are definitely something every pregnant girl has to buy, and then again nursing bras if you are planning on breastfeeding.

Well, I gotta say that’s a lot of bra and size changes between pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, nursing and then post nursing.  Of course, one can always go and buy a bunch of cheap bras, but as some of you might have experienced, they don’t last long and don’t feel too comfortable, let alone look good.


Bella Materna Pregnancy And Nursing Lingerie  – Pregnant With Style

By the time I received my Sexy Tshirt Nursing bra from Bella Materna, I had already bought 1 pregnancy/nursing bra. However, it had been lying deep in my drawers waiting for me to become desperate enough to use it. Now, I am not a fan of wearing bras. I usually try to avoid them like the plaque and take my bra off the second I get home ( sometimes even in the car on the way home). So let’s just say I was not looking forward to having to wear one at all times during pregnancy ( so that my boobs would sag more than they have to from the additional weight).

Bella Materna Pregnancy And Nursing Lingerie  – Pregnant With Style

So comparing the bra I had bought to the Bella Materna bra, it’s very clear that comfort and quality beats anything else. And if it ends up looking attractive enough for my husband to comment on it- well that’s just a bonus!
I am 2/3 done with the pregnancy and I never ONCE wore that first bra I bought, because while it might be cheaper, it also isn’t comfortable at all, so it turned into a waste of money for me. The Bella Materna bra is the opposite, I find myself hanging around in it because I forget I have it on. And the hubby is enjoying me walking around in my Bella Materna underwear much better than if I wore most of the moo-moo looking pregnancy lingerie out there 🙂 Plus I feel much better about owning a set of nice looking high quality lingerie that I know will last me for a few years of changing sizes as I go through pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Bella Materna Pregnancy And Nursing Lingerie  – Pregnant With Style

So here’s how you get to wear it through all four stages of womanhood:
  1. Before pregnancy, you wear it like a normal bra that gives you great support.
  2. During pregnancy, as your chest expands you get to use the extender included with the bra. It extends the closure by 1 bra size ( see picture below). The bra  also has patented flexy wires for comfort, as well as certified to be toxin free.
  3. During nursing, you have the one-handed nursing clip access for easy breastfeeding.
  4. And finally after you’re done breastfeeding, you remove the extender, convert it to a non-nursing bra and you’re back to a beautiful piece of lingerie

Bella Materna Pregnancy And Nursing Lingerie  – Pregnant With Style

 So here’s how you can win ANY Bella Materna Bra of your own.

Bella Materna Pregnancy And Nursing Lingerie  – Pregnant With Style

and Mandatory Entries: {read carefully}

There are two mandatory entries, after which you will have additional entries available,
and 1 daily entry for which you can come back to enter daily.
The winning entry will be verified and  the winner disqualified if the action is not found or if the mandatory items are not fullfilled.
Please make sure to comment on which bra from Bella Materna you’d like to win to be eligible (entry #2). The comment is to be posted to this blog post.
The giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents only.
All comments will be moderated and will appear once approved.

We also have some non-traditional entries this time, so please be honest about entering them as the owner of Bella Materna is giving away a product that cost money to produce and ship.

{If you’re not sure how to use to enter, feel free to watch this video tutorial or email me at contact {at} prebabyblog {dot} com
Otherwise, make sure to read everything carefully. Click the DO IT link first, then I’VE DONE IT once the action is completed}

Bella Materna Pregnancy And Nursing Lingerie  – Pregnant With Style

Disclosure: I received this item from Bella Materna for review. All opinions are 100% my own.



  1. I’m always looking for good quality nursing bras. My chest is large to begin with so it’s always a challenge finding a bra that fits correctly! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Just know that your bra size -could- change AGAIN with breastfeeding! I bought new maternity/nursing bras for pregnancy when I put on weight in my chest, banking on that lingerie lasting for the duration, and ended up needing another cup size up when my daughter was born and I began nursing. The initial engorgement period when your milk comes in is the worst for size, but most women I know have stayed huge (relative to their ‘normal’ size) through their breastfeeding time! Yes, my boobs are currently ENORMOUS, even though my baby weight is gone at 6 months postpartum. It’s something to think about. 🙂

    Thank you for the recommendation. Nursing bras that are both pretty and comfy are tough to find!

  3. I would go with the nursing t-shirt bra- seems practical yet pretty. They more I learn about what my future size *might* be after this baby comes..makes me a tad nervous!

  4. As a nursing mom with another one on the way a good nursing bra is essential as my breasts start out huge then after a month or so of nursing return to a normal size. This bra will be absolutely perfect for me! I love the “Smooth underwire full cup” in rose color.

  5. I am an active momma… I really like the nursing sports bra. I couldn’t find one with my first….I am so glad to be introduced to this site.

  6. I love the sexy T-shirt bra. To be able to have a good, supportive nursing bra that isn’t in the same ‘ol white, nude, or basic black would be a great way to get to wear sexy lingerie without having to give up the needed nursing function. I love the Madrona and sheer black… Hot Mama 😉

  7. I would love the sexy t-Shirt bra! The black or Madrona colors are so pretty! I’ve never understood why so many companies relegate new mothers to lingerie that resembles “granny undies.” We may be mothers, but we still want to feel feminine and sexy!

  8. ok so the computer keeps bumping out my comments lol. Following from my blog as well. I realized after I followed via RSS that it was also where I should put what bra i liked- I also like the sexiest tshirt bra, though the new peacock stuff coming out looks pretty awesome. Oh well no way to undo that and enter it after i clicked done.


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