IPhone Photo Dump


Since my laptop is no more and I am waiting for them to build and ship me a new one, I can’t really do the posts I planned, since I don’t have any of my photos or materials. However, what I can do is share my iphone photos for the last week (I was supposed to do it last Saturday but oh well)

Starting at top left:

  • Blogging from my hubby’s laptop
  • My buddha belly
  • Getting ready to go over to a friend’s house  and looking completely different in my bikini ( whoa- boobs!)


Iphone Photo Dump

More cat stuff- since they’re my babies for now, that’s what you get

  • Jake, thinking he’s on top of the world
  • Travis, waiting outside the shower for when I come out so that he could jump up on my towel ( he’s just a cute weirdo!)
  • Jake holding my pinky and sleeping on “daddy’s” leg ( what a hog!)
  • Some gay cat love going on there… Adorable!
  • Spidercat, spidercat, does whatever spidercat does….
  • Travis sleeping like a human with his paw under his head.

Iphone Photo Dump


While I don’t write writing recipes ( since I usually just invent all the meals), at least you can get an idea from pictures.

  • bunch of veggies ready to be grilled
  • whole grain sandwich made out of left over grilled vegetables ( awesome!)
  • cucumber, tomato, olive, scallions salad
  • another salad with attempted caramelized ( but mostly burnt and still yummy) onions

Iphone Photo Dump


  • We started on clearing out the nursery. Made decent progress in a couple of hours
  • Very strange weather: rainbow, rain, thunderclouds, and setting sun at the same time
  • Which created this weird yellowish light ( the picture of our house isn’t edited in any way- it’s simply that weird light) {p.s. my poor abandoned flowers}


Iphone Photo Dump

I’ll hopefully be back for my 17 weeks update, which is officially tomorrow, but since I’m always officially late, you can expect it on Friday 🙂

It’s also hubby’s birthday on Saturday, but we had to cancel the previous plans and will probably either just chill  (which is what hubby wants) or meet a friend of mine who’s coming down.  He doesn’t like celebrating his birthday, and I am pregnant so I’m happy to just relax ( maybe plan the baby’s nursery).


  1. I was just going to comment on your boobs too, but I see others already have, lol 😀
    Veggies look awesome!! What I wouldn’t give for a barbeque right now 🙂

    Hugs to you, hun!! (haha, I just thought of that episode of Friends when Phoebe was hugging Chandler and she was teasing him for putting on weight and said “Can’t make hands meet”, lol. Man, am I in a goofy mood or what 😀


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