This week’s update and A Princess Castle


So I have to say this week kicked my butt, time-wise. I didn’t have time for ANYTHING. How do you people with kids do it, I still have no idea!
I had to study for an exam and take some continuing education classes for our licenses.

NO biggie, usually. But when you also have to work and blog, and cook and work out and clean and rest…. well let’s just say you always end up skipping one of those activities.
And all I really wanted to do this week is play drums. I am finally well enough to drum away to super loud music and I can’t find the time to do, besides 10 pm when I am honestly collapsing.
I do have to say my routine isn’t that perfect nowadays. And I crumble without a routine – get nothing done.

So today is Friday and I have the following that I HAVE to do:
1. work
2. finish two units of the classes and 2 exams for both me and hubby
3. work out (pilates)
4. Post 2 blog posts from
GET FIT and Selfie Saturdays and actually make them educational.
5. Go to the mall to buy hubby a suit or at least dress pants, because his old suits are about 4 sizes too big, now that he lost 30 pounds (YAY to that!)
6. Go to the private symphony performance ( hence the suit) at 6 pm
7. Cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, because mostly likely the symphony dinner isn’t going to be vegetarian (for me) or vegan ( for hubby)
8. Wash hair/style hair, find a dress, shave my legs (TMI) and look presentable.

yeah, so how about that, bitches?

I am only now realizing that I  am going to have to MOVE to get all that accomplished.

On a more positive note, we made me a “princess castle“. That’s what we call a fort! I totally got the inspiration from shutter{mama}. I hadn’t done one in years and I definitely never had an idea of lights.
But I love it….sitting in it as I type this post. I feel so safe!
{disclaimer: not a selfie. Had the hubby take these pics}

This Week’s Update And A Princess CastleThis Week’s Update And A Princess Castle

This Week’s Update And A Princess Castle

And then when it gets dark!
I am wondering if I should cover the top too.

This Week’s Update And A Princess Castle



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