New Photo Blog, Selfie Magic


New Photo Blog, Selfie Magic This blog has been a bit slow lately, I admit, but there is a very good reason for that. For the past 2 weeks I have been busy working on my new separate photoblog, Selfie Magic. It is not a professional photography website, it’s simply a blog space where I can put all of my photos and participate in challenges and photo linkies without clogging up my main blog. I have always felt bad posting a lot of photos on The Art of Making a Baby, because it’s a baby blog and the goal of it was to journal my experience going through the pregnancy and pre-pregnancy progress, and turn it into a baby blog.

There is a catch though! My new photoblog has a very heavy self portraiture slant. I used to do self-portraits regularly being part of a Flickr selfie group, and stopped when I moved to NYC to pursue modeling. Hindsight being 20/20, that’s when I should have concentrating on photography because, to be honest, I’ve gone to some fabulous places and met lots of fabulous people. What stopped me was that you don’t really expect a NY model to be running around with a big heavy camera in her hands ( I did get to teach some photographers how to use their cameras LOL). So now I’d like to resume shooting self-portraits, not as many as before, but definitely make more effort that i have recently. I’ll be also posting a lot of non-selfies, so it’s not going to be all about me (Whew!)

The thing that I am excited about the most is the new weekly photo linky I’ll be hosting, called SELFIE SATURDAYS. It’s designed to help women learn to take good pictures of themselves and to break out of the box that most of us are currently in. I’ll be posting tips on how to shoot certain types of self-portraits weekly as well as setting a theme for each week to get our creative juices flowing.

You can participate in Selfie Saturdays in conjunction with or independent of our new GET FIT Challenge, though I would love for you to join in on it too.

I would really love for all of your to participate and to go over to Selfie Magic and start following it as well. If you’re using a feed reader, you can get  Selfie Magic feed here. If you prefer receiving updates in your email box, subscribe by email.


Don’t forget to check out  our new GET FIT Challenge, and join if you haven’t already.

New Photo Blog, Selfie MagicNew Photo Blog, Selfie Magic


New Photo Blog, Selfie MagicNew Photo Blog, Selfie MagicNew Photo Blog, Selfie MagicNew Photo Blog, Selfie Magic
New Photo Blog, Selfie MagicNew Photo Blog, Selfie MagicNew Photo Blog, Selfie MagicNew Photo Blog, Selfie Magic


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